"Rude Awakening" - Battle of Moscow-Soviet Counteroffensive.

When the Pz III & Pz IV tanks encountered the T-34, they received a “rude awakening”. The Soviet tanks were more than a match for the panzers as they completely outclassed the German designs. This vignette depicts a T-34 moving past a knocked out Pz III during the Soviet counteroffensive during the ‘Battle of Moscow’. The Pz III ausf F is from Zvezda which I added the rear stowage bin to upgrade it into a G, a PE fender to show battle damage. The camo is just flat white whitewash to try and conceal the Pz III’s dark grey color during the Russian winter, the Jerry cans & rack are from Italeri and the air recognition flag is from Archer Fine Transfers. The T-34 is from Dragon with a Jordi Rubio barrel and resin interior, and the figures are also from Zvezda. As always all comments & critiques are welcome.

Ohhhhhh, very cool!!!

Like the Panzer III but love the T-34! And I like the idea of her driving past the knocked-up German vehicle- nice work!

I really like this dio! And as Cliff said, I like the idea of the T-34 coming upon a knocked out enemy AFV. Great job!

This is excellent work on every level. I love all of it. Thanks for sharing it.