Just finished this today. Very ordinary kit, fit issues, and it’s raised details, for $110 bucks, NOT worth it. I rushed it along in the end, I haven’t got time to work on it anymore. Far from my better work. Trumpeter and Hobby Boss, please make a new tooled F-89!
Another great finish. I like the look of the Scorpion.
This finish up is once again testament to the fact that it’s the modeler and not the model that make for a good finish. Bud…you’ve definitely got no kick coming with that build. Sorry to hear that you had to pay that amount of money for the kind of frustration you had to put up with throughout the construction, but this did turn out to be a good-looking build @Grant_Dalzell.
I dunno, looks pretty fab from what I can see!
You did a good job on the Scorpion. I built this one recently as well. It’s not that great a kit, and certainly not worth that kind of money.
They were a reasonable price when they were issued and I bought 4 D/J’s and a C. $100 would make it a hard decision, and it certainly is a kit that is a canvas rather than sweet ride to the finish. It does have good shapes.
I can see that you weren’t able to give it the love that you usually do, but it looks good enough to me. They don’t all have to be perfect.
Wow $110! I didn’t know they had gone up in price like that. It looks great
Like the finish, and that its representing my home state. Reminds me of the ANG gate guard in Great Falls and I get a little homesick.
Looks great to me as well! I was just saying to my son the other day that the Scorpion was going on my list of kits to build. I was hoping that there was a newer tooled version out there, but you take what you can get in this hobby, right?
Looks pretty good to me, Grant. I certainly wouldn’t be able to point out any deficiencies with the build or the kit from here.
Interestingly I noticed that this kit is still (or again?) being offered by Revell in their latest 2025 catalog. Maybe the price will come down?
Lastly - what a strange history this bird has. Only one “combat” sortie ever flown: a pair of scorpions scrambled to chase down a runaway target drone in California, armed only with unguided rockets, the targeting system for which malfunctioned. They fired dozens of rockets, some of which bounced off the drone, and failed to shoot it down. But they did cause a bunch of brushfires.