Revell 1/48 B-25J Mitchell build with my grandson Ezra

To my fellow forum members,

last month, was a month of illness. The whole family was afflicted. What was worse was my hands started to shake as I wasn’t building a kit.

Building models helps me mentally with my TBI and physically with fine motor skills. My son started to worry and bought me this from Hobby Lobby.

I told him “Thank you very much“ and set it aside. I just finished this very modeling kit recently with my grandson Ezra. We built “Finito Benito Next Hirohito” B-25J. We both had a great time and I will always remember his smile.

This time, we will be building “Jaunty Jo”. Please join us in this build and make any comments as such. Thank you very much for your time!

Your friend, Toshi & Ezra

I Here is the start of this classic kit. Drilled out the holes for the side guns! Now I’ll be working on putting down some AB with Ezra.

Your Friend Toshi & Ezra

Looking forward to watching this one. All the Best to you Toshi.

Thank you very much mawright20! Ezra and I will try to do our best! He’s getting better with his attention span for a two and a half year old, which is about ten to fifthteen minutes. I’ll watch some cartoons with him for half an hour then we’ll go back to the build. That’s just enough time for the paint (Vallejo or MM is what I have) dry and the glue (Tamiya Extra Thin Cement) to dry but not cure.

He’s always asking me if he can help me. Lol! When there’s detailed items like the Academy 1/72 F-4J Phantom Jolly Rogers kit, I’ll let him know that papa has to do this work for the really small decals. Then Ezra would just watch and or play. I want to thank you very much mawright20 for your read, visit, and reply on this thread!

Your friend, Toshi & Ezra

You guys are going to have a whole squadron of B-25s.[:D]

Good to see you and your little sidekick back at it, Toshi.

Hope everyone is feeling better soon, if not now.

Model building with your grandson and required breaks filled with cartoons. What a brilliant combination!!! Hopefully you can introduce him to some classic Bugs Bunny for the cartoons…

lol!!! I hope so! I’ll send him home with a whole bunch of B-25J’s. Prior to adding Ezra to different builds. Some kits were donated to Mrs. Toshi’s friend children as they were in awe of my wall of planes. Lol! I also honored Streetsboro‘s VFW with built kits. The VFW displayed my WWII aircraft at the bar. It was touching. Thank‘s for stopping bye.

Your friend, Toshi and Ezra

I try to include Ezra in as much things as possible like feeding the cats, cleaning the bathrooms, sweeping, and cooking, etc. He really learns and picks up thing‘s very quickly. Young ones are very resilient. Currently, everyone is doing fine except Mrs. Toshi. She’s now on Chemo Therapy. And for some strange reason, I can’t get rid of this hacking cough. I’ll be going to the doctors soon to see what they can do. Thank you so very much Greg for visiting Ezra’s and my threads.

Your friend, Toshi & Ezra

To stikpusher,

Having Ezra during the week, I have the cable box on nothing but cartoons. Pepper Pig, Paw Patrol, and Bubble Guppies are favorites in the home of the Toshi’s. Lol! When we build kits, I then turn my iPad into a TV. I’m capable of watching live TV via streaming on Wi-Fi. We build and take a quick break.

I noticed that his generation prefers to watch TV on iPad‘s and not on TV. I feel really old. Lol! He surfs and navigates online faster than I do. Wow! On YouTube, Ezra does watch classic cartoons like Bugs Bunny, although classic Spiderman is his thing. Over this past week, there was a twenty four hour Star Wars special and Ezra was mesmerized! I now will be adding a X-Wing Fighter as well as a Tie Fighter to the stash. Lol!

Thank you so very much stikpusher for writing and reading on Ezra and I thread.

Your Friend, Toshi & Ezra

I built the same one some years ago man does it take up space but it was a lot of fun. I like the OD/gray camo. over the bare metal thats just me. cant wait to see the wip.

Hello crown r n 7.

I’m very excited in AB the B-25J in OD/Gray Camo. It’ll allow Ezra to blend in colors. He really like‘s AB and in particular Ezra loves using the Iwata Eclipse. I don’t know why? Lol! I too enjoy blending in colors, it’s a challenge. I’ll be utilizing Vallejo, Tamiya, and MM acrylic paints. I am very excited for this WIP to take fruition with very young Ezra. Thank you so very much for the read and reply crown r n 7!

Your friend, Toshi & Ezra

Here is some progress on the fueselauge build. Ezra and I will have more to come. Thanks for the visit.

Your Friend, Toshi & Ezra

Do keep building and posting. And having fun with Ezra. [Y]

Yes, that’s the key with this build. Having fun and bonding. He ask‘s us, ” You need help” of which we all reply YES! Lol! Then he’s in the modeling den ready to go. Greg, thank you for the heart warming support.

Your friend, Toshi & Ezra

I am glad you get this special time. Years from now you will both remember the fun of modeling!

Thank you Mopar Madness! I too am extremely glad of this as you mentioned above “Special time”! Yes, many many years from now, we will both remember these builds. Thank you sir for the visit.

Your friend, Toshi & Ezra

With due respect, I’m closing this build thread. There are several large key pieces missing. Due to it’s nature of the lack of pieces, instead of fighting this Ezra and I will concentrate on our next build of which is Trumpeters 1/32 Avenger Torpedo Bombers build.

I missed building WWII aircraft so this is a great change of pace at this time. Please continue on and follow with great i