Resin part and glue

I’m planning on updating an F-4 phantom kit I’m building with a resin kit. What glue should I use to glue the metal resin parts to the canopy. I don’t want to run the risk of fogging the canopy by using superglue, any alternatives?

Thx, Jan.

Epoxy. It can be messy so you have to be careful.

Hi Jan!

My glue of choice for this type of work is super glue but I know what you mean about fogging the canopy. I picked up this tip from FSM and it actually works! I’ve tried it once and it worked perfectly. Dip the canopy into some Future floor polish, wait a couple of days for it to completely cure, then use the super glue. The Future provides a later of protection to keep the glue fumes from etching the plastic. I didn’t think it would work but it actually did! It worked on a B-29 model I just finished because I wanted to use gap-filling super glue to blend the canopy in with the fuselage. I dipped the pieces in Future, let them cure, then super glued away. The canopy remained crystal clear. Try it on a scrap canopy if you have one first. I think you’ll be happy with the results.