Republic XF 103? (Thunderwarrior)

I came across this kit. I had absolutely no idea this aircraft existed. Anyone know anything about the history of this bird?



If I had to make an off-the-cuff guess I’d say it is one of those Century series jets like the F-108 Rapier that never made it off the drawing board. Either that or it is somebodies work of pure speculation. Do you have any more info about the kit (or scratchbuild)?

This is no fantasy bird, it was a design, but you’re right probably never built. I’m just very curious about it. Here’s the link where I found the kit:

And, I found some info-

The interesting thing here is that in normal flight, the afterburner would work normally, but for high-speed runs, a ramp would block the main engine and the afterburner would work as a ramjet.

First proposed in 1947, it was intended as a Bomber Interceptor capable of Mach 4 speed (2,600mph). It lost in competition to the Convair F-102, but the Air Force ordered 2 prototypes. One unique design feature was the elimination of a conventional canopy over the cockpit. The pilot was to be provided a retractable periscope. It had a proposed wingspan of 35’ 10", a length of 81’ 11" & a height of 18’ 4". Fuel capacity was 3,730 Gallons. Combat radius was 431 miles with service cieling of 75,000’. The development program was cancelled in 1957. There was a full size metal mock-up built, but no flyable airframe was completed.

Regards, Rick

Wings/Airpower did an article on it is 2004.

I’ve been reading up on this beast. It seems the F102 won by default, as there were problems with the Wright engine proposed for the aircraft as well as manufacturing issues surrounding forming the titanium. The Air Force threw in the towel and cancelled the ship in 1957.

Very interesting concept. A true “missile with a man in it”! Annigrand Craftswork from Hong Kong makes a resin model of this bird in 72 scale that I’ve been eyeing. Seeing one done uo in full markings makes me want to get one!

Nice looking aircraft. But the prices are kind of high. I think I will stick to plastic.

I am currently reading the Specialty Press book on the Valkyrie (XB-70) and it has a chapte on Mach 3 fighters XF-103 & XF-108. Includes some great drawings and pics of the mock up and test models.

Very futureistic bird. Looks like something that should have been in scifi movie!!!

After looking at those resin kits at I’m just slightly green. I hope that some day I have the enough FU money to get into kits like that. (You know what FU money is don’t you…[;)]

If you prowl around the old kit sales you might find a vacuumform (VF) kit of the XF-103 by K. R. Models. The company also produced a VF kit of the XF-108. These kits are not easy to build but do make up into very nice models at a very reasonable price. I bought both of these kits when they were first issued for $8. I have had the XF-103 built up for about 15 years. The XF-108 is on the to do list about 10 years from now given all the other VF projects on my list.


Funny You should ask. Last Sunday there was a xf103 vacumn model on ebay with a $9 starting bid. I was going to bid and forgot about it and by the time I got back it was ended. Ther were several odd aircraft.XF87,XH81,XF108,XF109 also on the sale. I looked at the wpafb museum web page and according to them it only got as far as the mock up stage

Looks like something from Thunderbirds!


The collectaire link is an “eye opener” for sure, over $100.00 USD for a 1/48th resin kit? Wow, that’s a lot of jack. I’m interested, but that is just too much. I mean, I have spent that kind of money on kits once all the paint and AM was ordered, but, OOB $149.00usd PLUS SHIPPING IS RIDICULOUS. Why are these resin kits so high?