Removing Acrylic Paint

I need to repaint a model and need to remove the existing paint which is Model Master Acrylic. What’s the best way to remove that won’t damage the plastic underneath?

I don’t know if this works or not, but I read here that windex works to take off acrylic paints. You could give that a try.

I only used tamiya acrylics and i just soaked the painted model overnight in a container of laundry or soap with water.

Castrol SuperClean is an amazing acrylic paint remover.
See article at:

[#ditto] - Super Clean is far and away the easiest way to do it I’ve found. Haven’t tried it on laquer but on enamel or acrylics it will dissolve it in nothing flat.

[#ditto][#ditto]super clean or oven cleaner. but with oven cleaner, you have to spray it on the kit, put the kit into a zip lock bag or something air tight for a couple of hours, then you can wash off the paint with soap, water and a toothbrush. later.

I stripped Tamiya acrylic w/ straight ammonia.

Thanks for the suggestions. Turned out that I did some experimenting and found the Cutex Nail Polish Remover with some fine steel wool works well. Sounds a little harsh but if you keep the steel wool wet with remover there’s no problem with scratching the surface. Takes a little patients but that’s the price for screwing up in the first place.

I tried Polly’s-easy -lift to remove Model Master Acrylics. It works OK, didn’t remove all the paint completely though.

ive heard that brake fluid works wellwith acrylics… has anyone here tried?

Windex will literally disolve Tamiya & Gunze, but do pratically nothing to Model Master Acryls/Acrylics.