The Revell/Mono EA-6B kit #5611 is returning for $19.99 via “pre-order” from Hobbyland. No more paying $70+ on ebay for them.
In preparation for this new kit, I have made a new Intruder Reference Gallery. This gallery … if you haven’t been there yet, is for reference pictures of the Intruder. Walk Arounds, nose art, other real life pictures of them showing color schemes and numbers. If you have any pictures of Intruders and would like to post them so others can see, please feel free to do so at your leisure.
Where is your info from. That would be great if it is true. But a 1/48 EA-6B would have to be a new mold, wouldn’t it? I thought that Revell Monogram had only produced the A-6 in 1/48. There is nothing on the RM website about either a/c being released this year.
Whaz up,
Monogram did release a 1/48th EA-6B Prowler kit # 5611back in 1992. I have three of them on the shelf waiting to be built[;)]
Matchbox may have brought out one but I cant recall seeing one anywhere.
Revell made the A-6E Intruder kit # 4578, I want to say they released it in the mid 90’s. I think also they made another vaiant which had the radar blister on the top of the tail(or is that the same kit but I dont believe so).
Like I said earlier it may be aswell a re issue of the old Monogram kit. If its an “all new” mold, that would be awesome.
Flaps up,Mike