Registration - Recent Errors & Undeliverable Email

Hello everyone,

We encountered a few issues with registration and we’ve been working them out. We apologize for the less than perfect start.

Things appear to be working pretty smoothly now. However, there is one issue that is out of our control. Some of the emails which we have sent out confirming email addresses have been getting rejected. A couple of the error messages we have received are:

  • Email Account Non-Existant, Unavailable or User Unknown

  • User’s Email Account Over Quota

  • User doesn’t have an email account on Yahoo (valid Yahoo user - never setup Email)

  • 550 Administration Prohibition

  • Host doesn’t exist

  • Helo command rejected: invalid ip address

If you have registered, but haven’t received your activation message, then it may have been bounced back to us. These messages are sent out immediately upon filling out the registration form. If you haven’t received the message within a couple of minutes, then there may have been a problem. Please contact us directly at (from the email address you have registered with) so we can confirm your email address. Please put FineScale Account Activation Request in the subject line. Once we can confirm the email address for the account is the same, we can activate your account.

A couple pieces of advice when registering:

  • Check your email address before you hit the submit button.

  • Make sure your email box isn’t full and can accept new messages.

  • Be patient. [:)]

If there is a problem, contact us and we’ll get things straightened out as soon as we can. Unfortuneately, on the weekends, we can’t respond immediately because no one is in the office to answer email, unless they came in on their day off (which people have done). Please be patient with us and we will reply as soon as we can.

Thank you for your patience and understanding,

Bumping this back to the top… [;)]

Just a reminder, that if you have registered and have trouble activating your account, please contact us and we’ll get it resolved as quickly as possible.

If you contact us during the weekend or after hours, you usually won’t receive a response until the next business day. Normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Central Time.