Recommendation for color of cannons/engine nozzles on Jedi Eta-2 Starfighter body color or gray?

Greetings everyone, I am in the process of building Revell’s Jedi Starfighter which did not come with a color guide. The current color I am using is Steel so it has a metallic sheen. So would the surrounding cannons/engine nozzles be the same/similiar color or some version of gray?

Mustang, The beautiful thing about Science fiction is its not real so no one can say its the wrong color. Your model, do as you wish.

I’d go with the Amazon stock picture for reference - it looks pretty sweet.

Check out the cockpit controls - some leds back there with some drilling would also be pretty cool :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone. I believe I found a gray to go for the cannons and then I will be adding the purple since I will be basing this on Mace Windu. I was just trying to determine if it was looking too metallic. I will try to get an image when I come back from my trip.

I suspect a gunmetal gray would be fine. No oxygen or nitrogen in space so no oxide or nitride stains.

There are several reviews of the Revell kit here. There are painting suggestions by the builders/reviewers.

Just thought I would share my own build

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Looks great! :slight_smile: I am liking the color combination for this build.

Thank you! I wanted to do something different

I thought I posted my finished build but it looks like I didn’t. Here is an example.

20240823_080047 by Darren Keller, on Flickr