Rank Names

David mentioned that they may be inclined to change the rank names if we can come up with something a little more interesting. I am not that creative(in my opinion) but I did come up with a couple of ideas to try and get things started. Let’s see what you think.

First list:

  1. Snap-Together/Snap-Tite (not sure about copyrights etc. on that one)
  2. Box-Stock
  3. After-Market
  4. Multi-Media
  5. Scratch-Built

Second list:

  1. Plastic
  2. Resin
  3. Photo-etched
  4. Machined
  5. Multi-media or maybe Scratch-built again

Just a couple of ideas I thought I’d toss out there. Let’s get the creative juices flowing and make this community our own.


I like that first list. Some how I missed Davids post though. Oh-well, such is life.

Interesting lists. [:)]

BTW, the comment that Ray is referring to was made in the What do the stars mean??? thread.

I would invite everyone to give some feedback on this and/or post suggestions.

  1. Begining Member

  2. Junior Member

  3. Advanced Member

  4. Master Member

  5. Senior Member

  6. Expert Member

What about:

no star: Novice
one star: Beginner
two stars: Beginner getting there
three stars: Master [;)]
four stars: Beginner nearly there
five stars: Just about master


Just kidding! [:I]

Or we could go:

  1. stops in once in a blue moon

all the way up to

  1. second home

Although I’m sure this feels like a second home to a lot of us already (and I only have 1 star) :slight_smile:


I like heylonghair’s first list!!!

Anymore suggestions?

So far I like the following two lists.

heylonghair’s list

  1. Snap-Together/Snap-Tite (not sure about copyrights etc. on that one)
  2. Box-Stock
  3. After-Market
  4. Multi-Media
  5. Scratch-Built

berny13’s list

  1. Begining Member
  2. Junior Member
  3. Advanced Member
  4. Master Member
  5. Senior Member
  6. Expert Member

I like Heylonghair’s better. It’s not as ‘serious’ as the other one!

I also prefer heylonghair’s list for the same reason.

Okay, the only (really minor) problem with the first list is that there are rank names for only 5 levels, when there is actually 6. So if we were to go with this list, we need either one more rank name at the beginning or one at the end.

Level 0
Rank Name: ???
Post Count: 0-9

Level 1
Rank Name: Snap-Together/Snap-Tite
Post Count: 10-99

Level 2
Rank Name: Box-Stock
Post Count: 100-499

Level 3
Rank Name: After-Market
Post Count: 500-999

Level 4
Rank Name: Multi-Media
Post Count: 1000-1999

Level 5
Rank Name: Scratch-Built
Post Count: 2000+

<< Erecting flame shield now >>
Would level 0 be “Diecast” or “Pre-Assembled”? [:p][;)]
<< Ducking for cover >>

Did I ever mention that my views do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the magazine? [;)]

How move levels 1-4 down 1 and make level 4 Kit-Bash?

I like Heylonghair’s first list and berny13’s list too.

Well, the first level you can go with “Lego”.

LEGO is a registered trademark. Speaking of which, they have a cool site! It’s located at http://www.lego.com/ of course. [:)]

Instead of LEGO, maybe we could use “Wood Block”. [;)]

Or, I could change Level 0 to be for only Post Count 0, adjusting Level 1 for Post Counts of 1-99. Then for Level 0, the rank name could be “Unwrapped”, “Shrinkwrapped” or “Still In Box”. [;)]

Uh-oh, now you mentioned LEGO. Check out mlCAD (Mike,s LEGO CAD) Yes it,s a fullfeature CAD and you make things with LEGO. Sorry way OT.
I like “shrinkwrapped” BTW.

Sweet!! [:)] http://www.lm-software.com/mlcad/

For what it’s worth I don’t think that the ranking should have a relationship to the quality of an individuals work. It should be related to their contribution. That’s why I suggested “contributing member” after “junior member”. How about one called “Sage”? [:)]

Now we’re getting somewhere. There are some great suggestions here. I like both the shrink-wrapped and the kit-bashed suggestions. That’s a tough call there.

davidwaples, please don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to suggest that the ranks are in relationship to the quality of someone’s work. As a person gets involved in the hobby the length of time they have spent in the hobby tends to be proportional to the time, effort, and difficulty of the work attempted. I was merely trying to suggest that as a person spends more time in the hobby they will be more inclined to attempt more and more difficult kits and/or scenarios. Thus the relationship to the number of posts(spending more time in the forums and thus contributing more). If anyone is offended I sincerely apologize. These lists were presented in a light-hearted manner and are intended simply to be a fun and slightly irreverent reflection of our hobby in general. Something to make this community uniquely ours. As a couple of other members pointed out, these aren’t “serious”, we’re here to have fun.

Having been mulling it over while typing this, I think I am starting to lean toward kit-bashed. IMHO, it seems to fit in a little better with the flow of the rest of the ranks.
So it would look like this:

  1. Snap-Together/Snap-Tite (not sure about copyrights etc. on that one)
  2. Box-Stock
  3. After-Market
  4. Multi-Media
  5. Kit-Bashed
  6. Scratch-Built


Okay, it’s official. [:D]

I received an email this morning with the okay to change the rank names. So here is the new list. [8D]

  1. Snap-together
  2. Box-stock
  3. Aftermarket
  4. Multi-media
  5. Kitbashed
  6. Scratchbuilt