Question about Propellers.

Just a silly question thats been on my mind lately.

What do you folks do with your propellers? Do you glue them in place stationary or make them spinnable like instructions state?

Just asking because I usually paint the prop and spinner, then glue it down after I have finished the final exterior painting and decalling of the main assembly. Want to know if everyone does it too. :slight_smile:


I like to keep them movable …less likely to snap off.

I generally try to keep them moveable. That way they tend to be more forgiving of being bumped and broken off if they take an impact.

I like them to spin. I mean, how else can you enjoy flying the model around the room, while making engine noises? [:D] And I like to go “dakka-dakka-dakka” once in a while, when I feel like strafing an enemy position. [:P]

But seriously, the newer kits with poly-caps holding the shafts in place are nice to have when transporting models. And then when you get to wherever you are taking them, you can slip the prop(s) back on and start running around going “dakka-dakka-dakka.”

Another advantage is that idiots who touch other people’s models seem to always go for the prop. They try to turn it, and if it does not budge they horse it until that awful krak sounds as the now broken prop falls to the table. They give an embarassed shrug, go “Whoops, hee-hee”, and saunter away.

Lol. Thanks for the laugh.

And thanks everyone for the replies.

I glue mine in place. All my kits are on bases so not much risk of the prop getting knocked when i am transporting it and i have never had anyone touch a model at a show or club night.

So it’s not just me, then[:D]

By the way, where did you get the photograph of my brother?

I wouild normally leave them loose in case I wanted to transport thrm to a contest. Then one day I decided to go into jets and S.F. where with a couple rare exceptions, I didn’t have to worry about them anymore.

Depends on the kit. The ones that have those push in prop retainers the prop stays loose. If not they get glued in place

I almost always put music wire shafts in the prop hub and brass tubing in the nacelle or fuselage. Gotta have a free spinning prop for pictures!