Coming up one the finishing stages of my Bf-110G2 and I have some boxes/controls that need to be glued to the inside (sides and top) of the canopy. Should I paint them and then glue with white glue? Will white glue hold long-term? How about CA glue?
i don’t think you want to use CA.
you will probably get “frost”.
the model master cement for clear has served me pretty well so far, but i have not used it long enough to give you a long term report on it’s holding power.
White glue will hold them, as long as nothing comes into contact w/ them to dislodge the part. Future will also do the same, with the same limitations. If your canopy has been bathed in Future, it offers some protection from the CA fumes, as long as you use a TINY amount. I have a DML Me 262 with a clear armor plate over the front panel of the windscreen (inside) held with Future. It has not moved since I attached it, some 7 or 8 years ago. Hope this helps !
I’ve had pretty good success with Testor’s Clear Gloss Coat paint, or you could use any other type of clear paint. If you get too much, it just dries a little shinier, so who cares? Same concept as using Future, but it won’t yellow with age.
I think i’ll try that, the whole thing needs a future bath anyway.
Other ideas are welcome though as it will be a day or two befire I do the canopy.
I stink at canopys anyway so I’ll probly find a way to mess it up[:(]
cant do to much to it that can’t be fixed (except smashing it to pieces) after a future bath.
You could also use small amounts of 5 min. epoxy.
I use the Clear Gloss coat method.
or Aileen’s tacky glue, white that dries clear.
(ahh demon. . .a Floyd fan!)
yes, but that’s ‘new’ Floyd.
only 16 or 17 years old.
btw, is it ‘gotta’?
i always thought it was “can’t”
It is can’t actually, but the wonderful thing about music is that you can fit it to yourself, however you want it I love Floyd, my alltime favorite band, have all their albums. Animals is simply great.
I am a bit of a wierd one, though ,as I’m not a big fan of their “older” stuff, such as Obscured by Clouds and Ummagumma. I still have all of their albums, but I don’t listen to the older ones much.
Also, the song is both ways, depending on which version you listen too, and which verse. There are several recordings of it with slightly different variations.
As Primus said, “If you studied your Floyd properly, you’d know that pigs could fly.”