Pros and Cons of painting tank tracks before or after

Good day all,

I hand paint, i dont have the tools or abilities at this time to airbrush.

I have a Ryefield RM5050 and am closing in on the tank tracks. Curious as per title of pros/cons of painting before and after assembly - lots of parts to this one.

Thanks everyone,

Pic of instructions

It’s like any procedure,some are going to find one way or the other easier,it’s just preference.

Me,I always paint and weather tracks off the tank,I just can’t fathom reaching all the tracks and not messing up the roadwheels.I know some spray the tracks on the tank,but thats beyond me too.

I think if you don’t have an AB you would have to paint them off the tank and touch up later,how would you reach the inside parts.

Thing to watch for here would be not to put too much paint on the track pins, once that dries it would prevent the tracks from articulating and that would be bad…

Thank you kindly. FWIW, i did mean assembled as in the lower left photo, not while on tank, but i heed all the advice, cheers!

Hi Ekire!

Hey, I paint them on and off the Tank. First I paint and age Off the vehicle. Then whatever mode or condition I paint them ON the vehicle. That can vary to pristine or one I did and sunk it in a Gallon of Blended(Yes, Blenders do this too) Mud specially for a super rainy day joke display for a Armor driving Buddy of mine! I was put up to it by his buddies. He drives or did drive M-60-A-1s and 2s!