Project Silverplate B-29 "Straight Flush"

Greetings! Would like to do the classic Monogram 1/48 B-29 Superfortress as CPT Claude Eatherly’s controversial Project Silverplate bomber “Straight Flush,” which features epically un-PC nose art…as well as having the distinction of disobeying direct orders and nearly bombing Hirohito’s royal palace.

I was able to find the old Microscale decal for this plane but oddly, it depicts the nose art as having a yellow background…when most drawings and photos online show a light blue background.

Did Microscale get it wrong? Any possibility that the nose art was indeed on a yellow background rather than light blue?

I could live with the “wrong” color; just curious if anyone out there has seen this plane depicted with the yellow background to the nose art on original 1945 sources, outside of this old Microscale sheet? Thanks!

This appears to be an original WWII color photo of the aircraft. If it is, the color is blue… and yes, old Microscale decals did have their screw ups. Research was not so easy back then…

That’s odd, and the decal’s copy and circle are red.

In this black & white version, look how the red on the sleeve blends into the border… that’s an easy supposition to make that the circle border is red… and seeing how the blue is so light for background, a presumption of yellow…photo interpretation…

Are you looking for this one?

Sorry Stik, I missed your earlier post.