Greetings! Would like to do the classic Monogram 1/48 B-29 Superfortress as CPT Claude Eatherly’s controversial Project Silverplate bomber “Straight Flush,” which features epically un-PC nose art…as well as having the distinction of disobeying direct orders and nearly bombing Hirohito’s royal palace.
I was able to find the old Microscale decal for this plane but oddly, it depicts the nose art as having a yellow background…when most drawings and photos online show a light blue background.
Did Microscale get it wrong? Any possibility that the nose art was indeed on a yellow background rather than light blue?
I could live with the “wrong” color; just curious if anyone out there has seen this plane depicted with the yellow background to the nose art on original 1945 sources, outside of this old Microscale sheet? Thanks!