Yeah, I gotta problem. I can’t stay away anymore. I can’t help but go in, leaf through all the magazines, look at all the models on the shelves. I can’t leave without another box, another project. It is killin me. I need help. I am addicted to corsairs with that funky blue paint job and that beat up south Pacific island appearance. Oh Midway, don’t show me one of those 2 seaters, those beat up torpedo bombers that saved the day. Oh no, I’m just not ready for those german planes and that camoflauge. Still haven’t mastered the airbrush. But of boy can I do a metallic mustang. Oh no, stay away from the 1:700 model boats. Wouldn’t a bunch of them look cool on my shelf. Tanks, tanks you say? Don’t get me started. I am addicted!
You’re sick and you have a problem. Say hello to the other 65,000 of us here.
I’m sorry to say that you are afflicted with that non-lethal, but still very serious disease known to some of us “Modeler”. The only known cure is death. It can lie dormet for long periods of time, but always returns. [:p]
I’m afraid that you’ll just have to go buy something at your local friendly hobby store and try to smile as you walk out the door. [:D]
Afraid there is nothing, absolutely nothing you can do to cure yourself of this terrible affliction. You can only treat the symptoms but never cure the disease.
Go buy two new models and call me in the morning.
Problem? What problem?
I’m addicted? My Shrink said something along those lines, but what does he know? He puts his CAT on Thorazine! My GF likes me just the way I am(true, she doesn’t live near me yet, but I’m working on that!)!
We should all live long enough to build them all! I’ve got over 200 kits in the garage stored in cartons.
After I bought my fifth or sixth duplicate, I started making a list by country. I must have liked them just as much when I bought them the first time! I now check the list before making a new purchase. I can hardly remember when I bought all of those Airfix, Frog, MPC, and even those AHM (1/87 aircraft) kits.
All of those kits and so little time!
No addiction here, obsession is more the word. Welcome, my brother.LOL
You do need help. If you find that you’ve unwittingly bought yet another kit. Get out the brown paper and string, wrap it up and send it to me. With this method I will help to cure you. Is that good of me or what?
Oh nsclcctl, young jedi, you have much too learn about the force…like going on vacation with your spousal unit armed with a print out from of every hobby store within a 25 mile radius of the city being visited…and then proceed to visit every store on the list. Oh well we can see the Pacific Ocean next time we are in California dear…
I would write more about this topic … but … I have to leave now so I can be first in line at the front door of the nearest hobby shop when it opens in 10 hours … I need a fix … two or three kits will hold me for a few days … sorry … but I have
no w
The way I see it is you don’t have any problems.
The only problems you will have is your boss will not pay you enough money to support your habbit.
If you live in a home with a non modeler then you really got problems.
non modelers do not understand why we require such large budgets for a
They will never understand the need to feed the beast.
I wish you luck …
Welcome to the sanitarium
Hi folks I am into plastic cos i can’t handle DRINK WOMEN DRUGS or REALITY…Gregers
It could be worse… You could have a really expensive hobby like collecting rare art or something. At least it keeps us off the streets at night. The missus will just have to cope. There are a few hwlp groups for spouses, I hear…
Already had a long discussion about this with the Mrs. I buy 1 kit every paycheck (nothing more than $60.00 or so) It’s worked out quite well…
It’s the the restocking of paint, magazines, tools, brushes, glues, thinners, putties, clamps, masking tapes, reference materials, that go with it (that gets me in trouble) Hey, ya just can’t leave with 1 item, can you???
It is a small (sometimes larger than others!) but steady drain on the wallet. The symptoms get worse before they get better. Take comfort in the fact that you have a great deal of company. . .
there is no problem, just put the kit back on the shelf and walk away slowly, yeah right, I’m spoiled ,my wife looks through the shelfs at the hobby store and say’s " hey thats cool, do you have one? then might as well get it". it’s like having a drinking problem and your spouse is the bartender. hey i’m not complaining. makes things a whole lot easier when the spouse is supportive.
Just think when you are ready to move on to more types of modelling crack, you can start adding resin, p/e sets and aftermarket decals. After looking at how much I spend per month on modelling supplies, I think drugs and alcohol addictions might be cheaper [;)] I’d get a job at a hobby story to pay for my habit, but then where would I get the time to build?
Hey martin93…
You have a small typo on your site that nearly gave me a heart attack with delight. On page 1 of your military aircraft section, you have a ‘Grand Slam’ Lancaster for sale…in the info, it says 1:48 scale for $23…considering they are over $100 everywhere else, you can imagine my excitement. But the picture of the boxtop itself says 1:72 which makes more sense.
If it isn’t a typo and you are selling the 1:48 Lanc for under $30-- I’ll take two
LOL, thanks Jeeves. Just a typo, sorry. The model number and SRP stood to vindicate the typo, nevertheless it’s fixed now. Appreciate your help; contact me for a special discount on your first purchase with us!