Problem with GX100 Gloss and Mr. Levelling Thinner

Anybody use GX100 and levelling thinner for their gloss coat? The combo is dissolving some of my underlying paint, which is also gunze lacquer. Doesn’t do it everywhere, just in select spots.

This particular kit was painted as follows:

Tamiya rattle can primer

Tamiya acrylics for pre shading/mottling

Gunze lacquer for main colors (thin layer)

The GX gloss and levelling thinner ate/evaporated the thin Gunze layers in spots.

How long did the color coat dry for before you tried to clear coat it ?

At least 2-3 days.

It just sounds like the GX 100 is a little too hot for the Gunz. Maybe a single acrylic barrier coat would have helped.

I don’t think GX 100 is the issue of being too hot for Gunze lacquer. Most likely it’s a chemical reaction between GX 100 Clear and Mr. Leveling Thinner - which is a retarder, not a thinner.

Researching this Mr. Leveling Thinner further, it is noted that Mr. Color Thinner works best to mix with Mr. Leveling Thinner. Perhaps you need to add Mr. Color Thinner along with the leveling thinner to spray GX 100 Clear.

One would think that if something was retarder it would be named Retarder not Thinner. My understanding of Mr Leveling Thinner is that it is thinner with retarder added, thus it slows the dry a little bit and helps leveling.

The poster stated that the Gunz lifted at any rate.

I understand that but according to my finding, Mr. Thinner is best to be mixed with Mr.Leveling Thinner to get the best results.

Another thought is the possibility GX 100 was mixed with too much leveling thinner. Either way, there has to be some sort of chemical reaction happening. I’ve never heard of GX 100 clear even though it is made by the same company as Gunze.

I’ve pretty much gone away from lacquer myself anyway. I’m turning more towards acrylics, even have limited enamel usage these days which had been my main paints ( never thought I’d be embracing acrylic actually, I’ll see where it leads me). My experience over the years though ( been painting in one form or another for 60 years), has been exactly the ocasional hickup with incompatibility like this, where something gets wrinkled or eaten up by lacquer or it’s thinners etc. I’m rarely surprised when I read something like the op posted.

Some folks say Testors Model Master acrylics are garbage but I’ve never had issues with them. Humbrol has good reviews on their acrylic line. Mission Model are another getting rave reviews. I’ve acquired a few of their paints.

Of course everyone knows my feelings on Vallejo acrylics so I’m not going rant on them.

I think acrylics are going to be the norm as far as paints goes. Testors dropped the ball on discontinuing their military paint line.

I’m with you on the MM acryl line of paints, no problem here with those at all. I think maybe they try to get away with no primer and primer is something you can’t skip with them.