Ever since I joined the forum, I have had issues with the dimensions of my photos showing up at the bottom of them. I am using post image and any help with this is appreciated.
Which address on the postimage drop down menu are you using?
I have tried both the thumbnail for forum and the hotline for forum options.
Try using the direct link, 2nd one down from the top on the Share drop down menu.
Thanks for your help stikpusher.
Youre welcome. Glad that it worked.
Although it seems that you have already fixed your issue. I will share how I share photos easily on all forums I use. I use Flickr. Free account, easy to use phone app. Upload the photos from my phone through the phone app, then use the share option on the website, and copy and paste the BB code.
That’s essentially the process with Postimage, too-the host site generates the appropriate link to use in posts elsewhere in the Internet.
John, I use Postimage, too, and I use the Hotlink for Forums, but I’ve found that here in this forum, I have to edit the link to remove the URL tags
otherwise, any text I enter after the link will be bolded and underlined, as this text is. Don’t know why-no other forum I belong to has that issue. It’s just Kalmbach’s page code. Though I recall that Hyperscale had trouble handling the link logic at one time in the past. That might have been before it was migrated to Tapatalk.
Comparing the string of text in the link, it looks like stripping the URL tags produces the string of text that Postimage presents in the Direct Link option.