Please recommend a 1/48 B17 kit

I want to build a 1/48 B17 model. The only one I can find is the Revell/Monogram kit but it has raised panel lines so I am going to pass on that one.

I can’t find another kit. Does anyone else make one?

Plus, I would like to finish it in olive drab, not aluminum, so I prefer that the kit come with a paint/decal scheme for that.


The Revell/Monogram kit is the ONLY thing availible in 1/48. Those raised panel lines are accurate by the way. If you ever get the chance to look at a real B-17 it is covered with overlaping panels creating those raised lines. The old Revell F kit has a good exterior but nothing inside while the Monogram G has a good interior. Both of these models were designed at the same time when Revell and Monogram were competing entities.

As far as I know, that’s the only company (Revell/Monogram) making 1/48th B-17 kits (B-17F & B-17G). Hasegawa and Academy both make 1/72nd scale kits of many different versions of the Flying Fortress, all the way from a B-17B to the B-17G, including a search & rescue version from Academy. I have two Academy kits (B-17F “Memphis Belle” & B-17G “Carolina Moon”), and, although I haven’t built them yet, they look great. Very nice detailing, and trial-fitting of the large parts (wings, fuselage, etc.) shows nothing to worry about. Good Luck!!

Thanks a lot guys. I guess I’m gonna give the Monogram 1/48 B17 a try.

The Revell-Monogram kit is the only one in 1/48, but there is a lot of aftermarket stuff (decals sets, detailing set both resin and etched parts , vacu canopies,…) on the market. Take a look at and use their search engine , then you’ll find a lot of things.

hello achilles97 ive built several of the monogram b17s it does come with markings for a od version (chow hound, 91st bg 322 bs ) its a fairly straightforward kit of an early g model (see squadrons b17 in action and b17 walk around) hope this helps


I confirm that the old Revell is a very nice model.

With Verlinden and Eduard accessories you can do a wonderfull bomber.

Here is the model I’m working on. (Still lot of work to do !!!)

Furthermore, you can found in the old kit an oliver drab camouflage (Man Owar II)

Achilles97 now that you seem to have made a choice i want to lend my voice. the revell kit is a good kit. i built mine a couple of months ago and had a great time with it. but beware the painting instructions are poor. you will need to do some further research on chowhound (the version i built) to get the painting right. also the landing gear and tires dont line up the bulged flat spot with the point where they touch the surface where displayed. chowhound is an excellent subject and you will be pleased with the results you get.

i should have mentioned that the kit comes with an od/gray as well as a nmf scheme.


Those pics look nice.

I’m going to pick up one of these kits soon. Now I just need to figure out where to put such a big model.

Thanks a lot!

Can you tell me what color you used for the wood accents? Im building one for a gentleman. Also what color do you reccomend for the superchargers/exhaust on the bottom of the engine nacelles? Thanks a bunch.


jamalone, that is a good question!!

Here’s a pic of a real B-17G

and a close up. Hopefully you can see what Swanny’s talkin’ about in them

Nice looking interior. What did you make the oxygen bottles out of?

True Details has some great looking sets for this B-17 which comes with Oxygen bottles, machine guns & other stuff for the cockpit, Bombadier’s compartment & Waist gunner’s stations. Paragon Designs offers an Open Bomb bay set & other details as well.

I’ve got a great pic I took of Aluminum Overcast of that particular area of the supercharger. It was really oily. I’l see if I can find the camera and upload the pic.

I would surely appreciate that. Thanks.
