Pin vises

I’m looking into purchasing a pin vise and accompanying set of drills. In the past, I just used a no. 11 blade to open holes. Little did I know this was not the approved method for doing so. Do you experienced modellers have any suggestions as to what to look for in brands and drill sizes? Thanks for any and all replies (from a newbie).


Mine is a hobbled together collection. I wouldn’t go all out on one. What I’d invest in is a mini punch set like Micro Mark has. Very handy.

Get a pin vice the has four collet sizes. Usually they are two-and-two.

As for bits, just accept you’ll go through them.

The set with the bunch in a circular base is out of date. Break one and it’s all over.

S. Korea ha a bunch of sets out. The ones with the colored plastic collars. They are really sharp as hell, it is amazing.

Bill, could you be a bit more specific as to where to purchase the South Korean sets you referred to above? Thanks.


10pcs 0.15-2.5mm PCB Circuit Board Carbide Tungsten Micro Drill Bits 3.175 Shank

I get my drill bits from e-bay, the PCB ones that steve mentions. I go for the packs of 10 the same size, as Bill says, you can go through them pretty quick.

I have a strong opinion about pin vises.

Most of the ones I have procured over the years are cheaply made, and more importantly the collet cross slots are off center. This results in a wobbly drill.

A few years back I needed a pin vise, ordered a couple from Tamiya. They have various sizes. They are not cheap but I’ll never buy anything else again.

I haven’t seen the pin vises with varous collet sizes Don is talking about, but that sounds better than buying a different pin vise for different size as I did with Tamiya. I can only use one at a time, after all.

Hi Bill;

I have a pinvise I bought over forty years ago when I did work for Timex in Little Rock,Ar. It was bought from them and it certainly has weathered the years well. It has two ends. One end will let you go through all the sizes you’d need on a model with maybe a few on the other end. It has a cap with swivel built in to cover the end you are not using .

Now as to the bits, I buy them by the tube through Micro-Mark . I also have a cheap set I bought from Them as well that has a sliding top .Only have replaced two bits in five years . I even have some I bought from " Gasp" Harbor Freight! Surprisingly they have held up well . The other ones they speak of are excellent and long lasting. I like the collars that are color coded and tell you the size as well. I don’t remember where I got those .I think at a Jewelry Show !

Check on this one it sounds just like what is mentioned. Not sure if it’s the same brand.

I like the pin vices that use collets rather than the ones that have a cross slot. The bits don’t always line up right in the cross slot type and will wobble when used. I have several pin vices and have a few with the most used sizes set up so I don’t have to change bits so often. Micro Mark has one with a ball head on it that fits into my palm very nicely. I added a 3 jaw chuck like a drill motor has to it to make changing bits really easy. I use that type the most. I get most my bits from a local machinery supply house that are high speed steel, the cheap ones are usually carbon steel and are really brittle. But I do have a set of those carbide ones with the collars I got from amazon. They are very sharp but somewhat brittle. All these tiny bits will break rather easily, simply because they are so tiny. You just have to get a feel for the soft touch needed. Chucking them so just the amount of bit needed is exposed from the chuck helps too. EJ

I find a steel pin vise superior to aluminum ones. If both parts of the vise are made of aluminum, the threads do wear out pretty quickly and bind.

There is a set of four black finished steel ones that I use, and really like them- they accomodate a wide range of sizes. I have an all aluminum one that has a swivel on end of handle that I like because of that swivel, but I keep one size drill it in all the time in order to save the threads.

The ideal one to me would be for a steel one with a wide range of collets and a swivel handle. Haven’t found one yet. Many pin vises will not hold the smaller sized drills- it is important to me to use sizes as close to 80 as possible, say at least through 76 or 77.

It’s one advantage that the drill sets I like all have a uniform shank diameter. That really simplifies changing drill sizes, and reduces wear and tear on the threads that adjust the collet.

Hi Bill,

Sorry this took a few days. I’ve been away.

Here are two pin vises that are the subject of discussion. Both are steel and both have swivel fittings on the end.

The one on the left is the split chuck type, the one on the right an open collet.

That’s the one I use.

Here’s my drill set, or what’s left of it. Time to order more. Notice that the bits all have the same size shank, which is a firm fit into the vise collet and it only takes a little twist to lock it in.

Thank you everyone for all your replies. It seems I have a bit more cogitating to do before making a purchase, but that’s OK.


Nice set of bits. I felt like throwing every one out that came with my pin vise. Junk. Even brand new ones could not get a grab and start a hole. If I knew who made the best quality ones I’d buy them for sure.

HOOAH!! [H] [snofftpc]

1st Infantry Division (Forward), Cooke Barracks Germany, 1990 - '91 here! Got my patch on the right sleeve during Desert Shield / Desert Storm

BRO 1/2 inf RTO for FO 2/33 arty, 2/28 inf RTO for FO 1/5 arty 69/70

A picture is worth - well,

This is my collection of pin vices, drill bits and drills I’ve collected over the last 30 years or so.

The 3 on the right are my favorites. I use them the most. The ball fits my hand nicely and swivels. I get great control with them.

Number drill set #1 to #60 (High Speed steel), Small number drills #61 to #80 (high speed steel), 5 sizes of PC board drills (solid carbide). I prefer high speed steel or cobalt steel. Not used the carbides yet. Most of the cheap sets I’ve bought over the years are carbon steel, very brittle and mostly junk.

Storage for spares for the small number drills. Figure about $1.00 a piece or so for them. I get mine from a machinist’s supply place.

Power drills. The two on the left have slower speeds. The left one was $12.00, the next was about $20.00. The Dremel has 5 speeds, but all are too fast for plastic but work great on wood and for sanding and grinding. The chuck is an aftermarket 3 jaw chuck with a 1/8" shank. The last is a Foredom cable tool like woodcarvers use. I have a foot controlled speed controller for it. It’s corded and has plenty of power, easily controlled speed from about zero to 18,000 RPM. Also has the three jaw chuck with a 1/8" shank that will fit in any 1/8" chuck tool. Makes it easy to change bits. I have three of those chucks.


First I’ve seen the ball-handled pin vises. Hmmmmmm.

I’ve seen ball handled ones with wood handles too but don’t remember where. The plastic handled ones came from Micromark. They feel good in my hand and have a nice weight too. They came with 3 or 4 different size collets.