Finally I can post some of my pictures here. Here is the “Old mold” Hasegawa Fw 190 A5, built OOB except the following. Hypodermic needles for the 20mm cannons, Revi sight that was bashed and modified from Su27 Flanker gun sight, Canopy braces were made using fine wire, Black area’s of the fuselage Eisenkruez’es were painted black (they came transparent), black area’s behind the cowl were masked and painted (including the white out line).
The painting scheme was paintes freehand. I wish to thank Chris “Saulty dog” for recommending me the Iwata Eclipse! This is a wonderful airbrush!!! I coul’dnt do it with my old Paasche VL. The model was painted according to a photograph appearing at squadron’s “fw190a in action”
LOOKS GREAT! I’m in the market for a 1/32 Fw 190A-5. How well did the kit go together? And by old mold, do you mean very old? Maybe a pic of the box would help me look for the kit.
The kit did’nt go together very well… actually not very well at all[|(]
The wing root - fuselage assembly was terrible! I had to build supporting tabs inside the wing to make the wings allign with the body. a lot of dry fitting, trimming, sanding and filling was necesarry. I also used plastic strips to simulate stiffners at the wing rote.
Note that this is a generic A model and after checking the fuselage opennings and parts I came to the conclusion that it’s possible to build only the A5.
I suggest that you would go with the recently released model but you have to chose between the A5 or the A8. different boxes.
Very nicely done ShModeler, a good looking bird. I’m presently building the Hasegawa 1/32 FW-190A-8 “new tool” kit & it fits much better than you describe. Like most 190 kits, joining the engine/cowl assembly to the fuselage/wing assembly is a little tricky.