Pics of Saturn V with almost final coat of white.

This model is not for showing off excellent assembly techniques. I decided to use it instead to relearn airbrushing.

I finally found that a 1:1 enamel to thinner (both testers) at 20psi using a Badger Anthem Airbrush works very well with flat white for preventing that grainy rough texture. In fact a .75:1 thinner to enamel would be better as the 1:1 takes several coats to cover and will run at the drop of a hat.

These pics are showing both the good and the bad. What can be seen around raised detail are the remnants of various attempts that were all failures.

Another great lesson learned. Thanks for the info and pics!


Yep, lot’s of lesson’s learned here. The biggest one is that your skills while there go dorment if not used frequently.

Your welcome.

Looking pretty good! Post your progress while the build’s ongoing! :slight_smile:

NOot a problem. I am going to mask off fo the black on Sunday and hopefully get the black painted as well.