Pics of my 72nd helo

Here are photos of my 72nd Italeri HH-60F. Italeri calls it a Seahawk, but its actually a Rescuehawk. Im at a loss as to the proper designation, HH-60F or HH-60H. My references contradict each other. Whats the low down?

Thanks, Ron for the use of the site.

VERY nice…!

Thanks, DJ. Hey, you just hit 1000! [8D]

The H-60F is the SH-60F CV Helo. This version of the Hawk is based on carriers and uses dipping sonar for searching the ‘inner zone’ around the carrier for subs. The SH-60B does not have dipping sonar which is preferred in the high noise area around the carrier battle group. The HH-60H was created as a rescue aircraft (as you indicated) and has frequently been used as a special ops platform. I must admit I’m rusty on IDing the H and F model Naval Hawks but I’ll check my book and get back to you with a positive ID of your variant.
Paul Pickett
Author, H-60 Black Hawk in Action
By the way, GREAT JOB!

Great job on the helo. Kinda nice to see one in an unusual configuration. - Ed

Thanks, guys! Glad you liked it.


Thanks for info! I’m a little confused with the H and the F designation.

Awesome work! Nice choppers!

Yes, an HH-60H, and a really nice one at that.
Well done job of opening it up and detailing it.
You should post the photos over at the Heli-Kit News Gallery too;

Follow the links from there…

Great work!!

Hey allan,
Very impressive helo you got there[:p][:D]. I like you weathering too!!
Flaps up,Mike

Thanks all. Been off-line for a few and only got to see your posts now.[:)]


My friend already posted it there for me about a year or so ago. If I remember correctly more photos were posted there. Thanks.