Photographing models...

I asked a question prior regarding reproducing canvas in “scale”. The responces were very usefull.

Seeing that the responces are positive, I was wondering what digital camera is a recomended one to use? I realize you all have your individual tastes. This will give me some insite to what is usefull and what is…not!

Oh… I mainly model in 1/87th (HO)

There’s a response to a question of mine similar to yours which does offer insight into the photography of models/diorama in the “my first ever diorama” thread hope you find it useful (either page 1 or 2) (or 3)

I think this is the post Seb is referring to Colin.

My anwser to your question colin056 is how much do u want to spend? I have a nice Fuji S602 zoom, and it only cost around $500 with shipping and everything. It is a 6 megapixel camara. It is very light weight and takes wonderful photos. If that is a little high for you try out the Canon S200, SD100, or S400. They are 2, 3.2, and 4 megapixel respectivly. Price for the S200 is less than than $200 I believe, and go up to around $400.

Which camara you buy just depends on what you are going to shot with it.