Paul Freiler's Historical Models

Does anyone know what happened to Paul Freiler’s Historical Model shop in the Torrance, CA area? The last I heard he was located in the Olde Towne Mall on Hawthorne Blvd. in Torrance. However, I understand the shop is closed. Paul was a real artist and had on display a number of his creations that were unbelievably detailed. He originally started out in a small shop in Riviera Village in Redondo Beach in the late 60s. I can recall spending a lot of time, and money, with my cousin at both shops in the late 60s and early 70s. We both received a lot of help with the models we built up together from Paul. Just curious to know what happened to him.

It relocated to another place on hawthorne blvd. over 100. I sent a rocket model to spacex. It had rotor blades on it. irregular root tips. I made it from a beach chair aluminum pipe. short plastic injected fins. temperature regulation with a point contacts works when melting plastic. A lever would have worked.

there was a hobby shop on catalina av redondo. paul freiler is on people finder. Black powder rockets are explosive. Explosive to learn. Explosive to adjust. 600 mph. Runs out of propellant. LOX needs careful expansion. otherwise the work returns to heat. rate and proportion feedback is needed to control. add it up in a 5 volt binary adder.

I remember the store in Westwood. I used to go there when I was a student at UCLA In the mid 70s.

The shop on Hawthorne closed in '97 or '98. I used to stop by that one on a monthly basis until then. Definitely one of the bigger and better shops in the LA area.

I remember the store when it was in the Olde Towne Mall… it was always a treat when we’d go there. I was just a kid, 8-10 yrs old… this was mid 70’s. But since we didn’t get over there often, I could usually wrangle a kit from mom and dad. Years later, I recall they had changed location, I went there a time or two when I was in A&P school (86-87). But for the life of me, I can’t remember what street it was on, but I don’t think it was too far from the mall.