Hi guys–with apologies to dial-up users, here’s Part 2, with interior shots from the Leopard 2A6.
Looking down into the loader’s hatch–the lever is to open the ammo stowage door at top of the pic.
OK–I’m sitting in the TC seat now taking these pics…The collapsing ammo racks–pull a shell, and the sleeve collapses to save space.
Looking at Janine and Jenn through one of the periscopes. I was really surprised that Jenn said she could see me looking at her too!
MG (?) stowage directly behind the TC seat.
Looking down the smoothbore gun.
Here’s two interesting shots by our photographer Neal, who had a fisheye lense–this is from the loader’s seat, looking back at that ammo door; note gun’s breech…
…and looking over to the TC’s position…
Ok, now–Jenn is in the gunner’s seat; I’m in the TC’s position…my sights are on the left of the photo…
This is the actual gunner’s controls, in front of Jenn where she’s sitting…
…and the gunner’s sights…
This is the control to fire the smoke cannisters, just to the right of the TC’s knees–note that you can choose “Smoke” (top) or “High Explosive” (bottom). All are numbered, corresponding to the outside tubes.
This has something to do with turning the turret…??? Or maybe something to do with the radios?
I turned directly around 360* and this radio unit is right behing the gun breech on the turrret wall…
On the loader’s wall, where the headphones plug in…
Looking into the driver’s hatch…
The steering wheel and area…let me assure you–this is NOT built for tall people! I’m 6’3", and I could not fit into the seat comfortably; it was like an Italian sports car!
This is actually the emergency brake…When I was trying to close the driver’s hatch, I pullled this, and the whole tank rollled forward two feet! Yikes! This is on the right wall…
Driver’s console, left of driver…no CD player–bummer!
The pedals…
Looking over my left shoulder, at where the loader’s feet would be…
…and looking directly backward to where the TC’s seat folds down.
If I extend my left arm, I can touch this ammo stowage right next to the left of the driver…right under the gun
These little mirrors fold down when you’re in the edriver’s seat, and help the driver see through the periscopes…cool!
This is one of the disassembled Leopards in the shed–this is looking through the turret ring at that aforementioned ammo rack by the driver.
and looking to the right…
and the left…
One of the drives behind the sprockets…
Well, that’s it for this one–the last one will be some more shots of the Leopards in the sheds, ith some of their mods and just some more cool shots! Hope you enjoyed them! [:D]