i was wondering if there where any update sets that replace the turret and gun barrels and where can i buy it thanks
Do you mean the Tamiya Panther A? If so, the best update set is this:
DML Kit 6160, Panther A early or
DML Kit 6168, Panther A late
I’m not kidding. Since you’re asking for upgrades or corrections I’m assuming that accuracy is important to you. Then you should know that it is an ablsolute abomination that Tamiya still sells their Panther A kit, made in the early 1970s. It is pregnant with inaccuracies such as completely wrong turret, missing 1/3 of its roadwheels, ludicrous tracks, tools and other details. It was designed to be motorized (hence all the fittings in the hull) and to scoot along on the carpet of some Japanese home in 1975.
Am I being overly harsh? I think that for the time, it was fine. But in today’s market with exquisite kits (for only $5-10 more) available, Tamiya’s selling of their Panther A is nothing but crass marketing – because they KNOW that it’s a pile of crap. It would be like going into a Mercedes dealership and near the back of the show room is a Yugo. The salesman says it’s “just as good” as the other cars, “why don’t you consider it?”.
Seriously. the DML kit are state of the art, measure out in practially every direction to be correct. Online stores sell them for about $25.
Online reviews:
Set aside the Tamiya kit or use it as a practice kit to improve on zimmerit or camo painting or weathering. You’ll really enjoy the well made, easy to build DML kits.
But to your original question, there are no replacement turrets (given the inexpensive DML option). Barrels are plentiful. Try www.discountmodels.com or www.greatmodels.com
Aber makes a pretty nice panther A and early G barrel that’s got multiple parts of the muzzle brake. n yea the dragon one pretty much had it all aside from the tracks. The reboxed ausf A late even had the Al turned barrel and engine grille included for the D-Day 60th anniversary thing.
i’d say go with the dragon.
is it just me or is tamiya trying the highway robery aprouch now?
Although you don’t really give enough information to properly answer your question, I have to agree that if you are trying to upgrade the old Tamiya kit, don’t waste your time. And, if you do a simple google search on your own, you will find countless accessories for your Panther.
For Curtis:
Tamiya in Canada has always been terrible due to the monopolized distribution agreement w/Borgfeldt. It’s your local hobby shops who suffer the most in my opinion. I’ve heard that the prices are outrageous compared with online alternatives in the Far East. (I’ve heard that even Tamiya wants out but they’re locked in)
The fact that the ausf A Panther is still released is probably as much a function of some buyer at WalMart or Hobby Lobby wanting a “cheap german tank” as much as anything.
Frankly, Tamiya sells 70% of their models to their home market. Europe, North America and other Asian destinations aren’t much of a source of real revenue for them it seems. So we get the short end of the stick, correspondingly.
ahahaha, walmart, where things are cheap and full of shit. thus lowering the quality of our living, n wiping out our own economy thanx to their imports of everything cheap crap imaginable from china.
I like your matter of fact approach Roy. [(-D] You are so correct though. I built it myself in the mid-70’s and it is very inferior to Dragon’s beaut of a kit. If you can find the Normandy anniversary package, it comes with a metal barrel and I believe PE screens too. Well worth the cost.
Is the 70s Tamiya Panther Ausf A worse than the Italeri offering?
Unbelieveable as it seems, yes – the Tamiya ausf A is worse than the lousy Italeri kit.