Panda F-35 kit

Well. New to the forum but read through and saw some questions regarding this kit. I got the Air Force version in (F-35A in the instructions, but F-35B on the box - go figure) today from Squadron and would like to give a quick review.
Now - how can I give a review when I haven’t built it yet? Well…I built the Italeri kit last year as a gift for a mentor of mine (along with the X-32, but that is another topic.) and this kit is 99% a scaled up version of that kit, with all the inaccuracies inherent in it. It is a generic X-35 as used in the flight test program. That means it has the STOVL canopy, STOVL doors, etc. Thus it is highly different from the AF variant which has a larger canopy, a gun mounted on the left side of the aircraft, a simplified engine duct and fewer panels. The duct included is a straightened modification of the 3BSD (3 bearing swivel duct) in the Italeri kit. The 3BSD was modeled wrong there to begin with, but again, off topic. The STOVL intakes on the Panda kit are deeper and have softer detail than the Italeri kit. But the part breakout is identical down to the locator pins. The cockpit is VERY basic and is pretty bad. I plan to do some research and add a different ejector seat. The detail is engraved and pretty good although it doesn’t match the prototype version because it adds some sawtooth shapes on the panels and exhaust area.
Now - that being said, I think this will build into a pretty decent kit with some work. First of all, the kit is BIG. I haven’t checked scale size, but it is close to a foot long. The Italeri version had some issues with fit that involved a LOT of filler work. As noted, in previous posts, the decals are extremely thick but look very opaque. The scaling up has resulted in some soft detail, but I plan to augment that with photos and a trip to Pax River to photograph the prototype. Finally, the horizontal stabilizer construction is less than optimal. I can explain more if you are interested.
JSF has undergone some changes since the X-35 days to include changes to the STOVL doors over the lift fan (single door opening from the rear hinge) and some mold line changes. Also the Navy version is pretty different with much larger wing area, so that is why I imagine we haven’t seen one of them yet. I am not sure how to handle the cockpit issue so at least I will build this one as the prototype. Overall, I give this kit a B- with the hopes that some careful detailing will result in a good model.

Feel free to email me with questions, etc. I am at

Michael Dahlstrom

Hi Michael,

Before you get too far into the build I thought I’d mention a few other innaccuracies with the Italeri kit which may have transferred into the Panda model.

On the development jets, the undercarriage doors are simplified (squared off) as opposed to the stealthy saw tooth design (Like the F-117) supplied in the kit.

The overfuselage intake doors are hinged on the inboard edge(as opposed to outboard) so they should be close together on the spine not on the outer edges of the intake.

The nose undercarriage leg has a single fork on the Port side, not on both sides as modelled.

There is a large intake and a vent on the port side of the aircraft fuselage which are not featured in the kit.

Those are the main one’s I’ve spotted so far, if I find anything else I’ll let you know.

I’ve got a JPEG which shows the problems more clearly. I’ll label it up and send you a copy.

Hope this is of use,

Rob M.

I gave up on all the inaccuracies and just built the damn thing OTB, and put Marine markings on it from a Harrier squadron. I have too many other models to build to waste time on it. Hopefully, after the plane goes into production, someone like Hasegawa will bless us with a production-accurate series.

I wish kitmakers would wait to do kits of new planes. They have a habit of rushing out kits of prototypes that become superseded the moment a production plane rolls out. After that, who wants a kit of the one-or-two-off prototype?

Here’s my Panda F-35:

Yeah. It is real frustrating. They came up with sort of a mixed prototype/expected operational design. I was disappointed that the kit is little different from the Italeri (and subsequent Revell-Germany) kit. But it is big and has some possibilities.

You can find some good large photos at:

One of the X-35’s was also just released to the museum at Pax River NAS, so I hope to go take some photos on my next trip out there.

Other issues - there are some diverters to minimize hot air ingestion for the STOVL system. The 3BSD is rotated wrong. No pitot tubes. Incorrect canopy.

So…with some love and care, you can come up with a nice looking model. Not an ACCURATE one mind you, but nice.


Actually, I do want models of prototypes, research and development aircraft.

I work as a Flight Test Engineer and these are the subjects that really float my boat!

It makes a nice change from ABGJ subjects [;)].

At the moment I’m working on a Fairey Delta 2, X24A, X24B, X1, and an F16 VISTA.

I’ve got an X-35 in the queue as well, but I’m still trying to figure work rounds for all of the inaccuracies of the Italeri/Revell kit.

Personally I chose the Revell version as it has decals for the ‘Hat Trick’ aircraft.


Rob M.

I bought this kit cheap in a sale, and it’s great to have these comments. I think I too will go for a fantasy fudge and make a Royal Navy version. Great idea to use Harrier decals - the stick-on decals in the box suck goat nuts [;)]

John P, in spite of these problems you still made a great looking plane out of it!