Painting without leaving brush stroke

Hi everyone!

What is the technique you use to paint without leaving brush strokes?

Thanks for your help!

Thin the paint way down to the point of translucent. Flow on three or four coats, depending on color, type of paint.

For painting broad areas like an airplane wing, I prefer a flat brush, maybe 1/4" wide.

It’s impossible to "unpaint’ brushmarks, so avoid at all costs.

Thining the paint with what?

Short answer- whatever the type of paint requires.

If it’s enamel, lacquer thinner works well.

If it’s Tamiya acrylic, the X-20 thinner they sell is great.

I tend to avoid Home Depot type gallon can thinner, but results may vary.


Ok. I am using Vallejo acrylic paints.

For vallejo, don’t use thinner that is for enamel paint. It will rune the acrylic base.

What would work is paint retarder. Vallejo make some. Also you can use retarder from the art store.

Here are some sights that I’ve found that might be helpful.


This is some ancient voodoo I dont understand. Those that can put down a smooth brush paint amaze me. This is why I bought an airbrush with my lawn mowing money at the age of 13.

Painting flats without visible brush marks is doable. Doing flawless gloss paint finish is extremely hard, but can be done. It takes a lot of practice- I would say it is harder to learn than airbrushing. Like getting to Carnegie hall- practice, practice, practice.

I’m with you on that. I airbrush almost everything now…even the backgrounds of instrument dials. Never been a fan of painting anything much bigger than a button, switch, or knob with a brush. Even if you can do it without brush marks, the layer of paint is still way too thick for my taste.