paint not drying!

I keep airbrusing my model Model Master enamel Olive Drab and I and I keep finding areas that don’t dry. Please Help!

try acrylic, or try letting it dry for a long time (weeks)

I use mostly acrylics and lacquers… both of which dry a lot faster than enamel. But I am not sure what would casue it to take way too long. DId you thin it enough?.. but then… what IS enough?

Try varying the thinning some, and see what happens.

Had a similar problem once. Finally decided the paint was probably spoilt. Not only did it take almost forever to dry but it was glossy as well (it’s supposed to be matt). Have you had that bottle of paint a long time? Maybe time to get a fresh supply.

Just a thought. Are you putting the paint on vinyl or rubber? Enamel paints will not dry on this type of material?


Did you wash the model first? Sometimes the mold release on the plastic will intererfere w/ the paint. Use some Dawn dishwashing detergent and scrub it down well.

wait for a few days, paint’s drying speed depends on the weather.
Washng the model before painting is important. If the paint doesn’t dry at all, your model isn’t lost. With solvant you can clean it.


Temperature and humidity play a large roll in the curing process. Sometimes a basement or a work shop will be too cool and the humidity level high. Get the heat up a few notches. I had a dehumidifier in my basement at my previous house. My workshop was in the basement also and I had no problems.

It looks as if the paint your using is out of date.
If your paint is over its date the time to dry will increase, or it will never dry.
It happened to me with the radardish of my Sentry it took several days to dry.
So don’t worry nothing is lost.

To paraphrase The Carpenters, “Rainy Days and Hot Days” may very well get your paint job down. I do a lot of brush painting and I’ve had paint do funny things on rainy days in the past, so needless to say, I won’t paint (brush or spray can) on rainy days. (I don’t have an airbrush, but if I did, I wouldn’t use it when it rains.)

The same with hot days. If the inside of my apartment gets above 88 to 90 degrees, I won’t paint. It dries too fast and I wind up with brush marks. When I spray paint, I take everything outside, but I wouldn’t spray paint (or airbrush) during really hot weather.