Packed AH-64

Here are some pics of an AH-64 being shipped by truck that came by work the other day. Enjoy!!

Nice Pics!!!

My bet is, she’s headed west to Arizona to be reborn as a Longbow. She’s an early bird too… look at the avionics bay door. The later A models have flat doors without venting on them. This one’s bulged out and still has the two vents on the aft end. No laser detector mounts on the doghouse either… where the heck did they dig this one out of!!!

I don’t suppose you got a serial number? Oh well… She’s probably a 1985 or 1986 bird.

After much analysis and some debate, Trigger and I figured she must have been a maintenance trainer at Ft. Eustis. That would make sense as to why she looks like she just flew out of ODS. GREAT pics!