Michael’s and Hobby Lobby are a bust in my area and the best full service model shop is an hours drive from my house. What are the best websites to purchase models and modeling supplies? What has been your experience with them?
I’ve had good luck with www.squadron.com. They are almost always in stock and they ship quickly.
www.greatmodels.com is another good source. Hobby Heaven too.
Try http://www.megahobby.com/ and http://www.hobbylinc.com/model/model.htm I had great luck with both of these!!
For all us Canadians up here in no man’s land, are there any Canadian suppliers that you have used or are aware of? With the exchange rate and everything else it just gets too expensive to order in American funds even if I can’t find it here. I have no problems ordering online but it’s just too cost prohibitive to order from the U.S.
Squadron is great!.. good service and pretty good prices.
But if you want to buy models made in Japan (Tamiya, Fujimi, Hasegawa, etc.), try Hobby Link Japan here: http://www.hlj.com/
They have great prices, and even with shipping it’s cheaper than most anyplace else. They do give a shipping estimate for most models too.
And it is pretty fast too… about 4 days the Oregon from Japan.
my 2 cents worth anyway…
Try this company[:)]
Thanks Charles. I’ll check them out.