Online Hooby shops

So with all these hobby shops out there which one is the best. Please specify Best selection, price, shipping charges or overall.


I like Great Models - Their search engine thinks like I do. Plus they have a very large inventory and their prices seem to be competitive.

I’ve had good luck with Squadron too - all the way.

For kits on this side of the pond and
The Aviation Hobby Shop is out by Heathrow and is one of the smallest I have ever been in - but has the greatest selection you will ever see.
The place is like the Tardis!
They only sell aircraft - but stock everything.
I have only used Squadron once ,I ordered a kit from Hannants at the same time
The kit from the USA arrived quicker than the kit from Hannants - over a week quicker , so Squadron get my vote

I went to the great models retail shop this weekend and was very impressed by the selection that they had in-store. I understand they used to do both retail and online sales out of the same location until recently.

Everything is usually discounted these days, and their sales are sometimes hard to beat. If you need it, they most likely have it. (Aircraft, Armor & Figures) Unless it’s out of production, that is!

I’ve dealt with Squadron since before there was an internet and I’ve never had one reason to complain about them.

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