Do crewman from late war panzer IVs have the same uniform as tiger crewman, i.e black tunic, camo trousers? If anybody knows plz tell thank you.
I don’t know if you can attribute a certain type of unifom for a particular tank. The black panzer uniform was THE regulation wear, although i may be wrong, only the SS designed specific camou for panzer wear in '44 (1943 was introduce spotted camou coveralls). The regular army did have reed green denims for coveralls, pants and panzer tunics since '42 designed for working and summer wear. But in late war as stocks became short, items were mixed and matched, including italian camou and even a stock of leather U-boat jacket/pants were noted to have been worn by the 12SS Hitlerjugend in France, late 1944. To quote from a book “…troops in the front line often wore a motely assortment of parts of several different uniforms, and presented the observer with an impression of anarchy.”