Thes darn banner ads from the paint comany that pop up from the bottom and the swipe broad coloring up and down each side of the web page - GOTTA GO!@!! They are the wrost distracting ads yet - i get so mad i couldnt even tell you what brand they are advertising - so whats the d**m point? AWFUL…
I started running an ad blocker and it vanished.
Run “adblock plus” and your problems will end.
I don’t even have a specific ad blocker application. I just have my browser settings set to prevent popup ads (using Chrome and Firefox). I never, ever see popup ads here on FSM. You should be able to do the same thing.
Adblocker Ultimate put an end to them for me
well, safari being my main browser where all my bookmarkrs, etc are., i guess i forgot i can somewhat easily export them to firefox… Forgot how nice it is w/ no banners! Afer doing so, this is alll i get on the the r side.
I just installed the AdBlock plug-in for Google Chrome and I get no ads of any kind on any page. So nice to finally be able to type out a post here without having some side-bar ad stealing focus from the typing window and making me type things over again.
Nice. Ok, i know im a litte OCD and a lot of other stuff I dont mind apps too much, but ive read what some of them “steal” , etc. when they are used. Extensions and add on’s too. Not that i have anything top secret or the like, its just that with all these things floating around one is never too sure of what they are actually putting on the computer…
I put in Security Badger for Firefox, it works as an ad on but catches things way in the background through something a bit different ( supposedly) than many ad blockers do. I don’t know except that it works very smoothly. It’s currently blocking 18 ads or background activity on this page right now as I type. The last page at this site was 2 if I recall correctly. Another site this morning was 6. I have it on my phone too, security Badger for Android I think it is. I figured I’d try it, it’s free and if I didn’t like it I’d uninstall it. I like it, been on here most of this year so far.
We need to start a petition for finescale to simply shut down the animated ads on the website, just as a basic courtesy.
I don’t mind ads that don’t block content nor keep the site from loading.
But these pop up video micro-commercials are a big reason I rarely go to the website, even being a subscriber.
Would you be willing to pay an annual subscription, to help Kalmbach make up for the revenue lost if they forgo those ads?
Well, he did say that he is a subscriber, so I would say he is willing to pay an annual subscription.
By leaving or not using the forum is only hurting you,just install a free ad blocker,and voila,no pop-ups.
You don’t need to be a tech wizard either,I can do it and I’m not.
I used to subscribe to the magazine, but, I stopped the subscription due to that fact that the magazine does not have ANY articles in my chosen field of modeling: square riggers of wooden war ships. The magazine has excellent articles but none of them covers my field.
If there was a reasonable ( and the keyword here is reasonable, I am in a fixed budget and unable to pay much ) amount to pay for the blog, I may be willing to pay to have access to this blog.
Thanks Duck and the other folks for the advice on adblockers. I will do that. Being a lifelong buffoon, I didn’t go back read the earlier posts, alas.