Hello all,
Ive been wanting to use oils now but i seem to have trouble with oil washes destroying my clear coat. I coat with pledge floor care twice, it sat for a week to cure. I thin the oil paint with turpentine but almost immediately my top coat will get all gummy and look amost burnt . any suggestions?
December 3, 2019, 10:20pm
Are you using natural turpentine or mineral turpentine? This is known to happen with natural turpentines. Thin your oil paints with mineral spirits, mineral turpentine or odorless artists paint thinner.
Further to Phil’s comment. Natural Turpentine is so caustic that it is an excellent debonder for Epoxy.
For your purposes, try a product callled Turpenoid. Aarons, Michaels all have it. Odorless.
December 4, 2019, 4:49am
Just remember to get the oil based one in the blue can and not the natural one in the green can, otherwise you’ll have thee same problem.
December 4, 2019, 9:32am
I never knew this or the difference between turpentine and turpenoid. Good thread, great information.
And I’m glad you asked, Stubert.
I never knew this or the difference between turpentine and turpenoid. Good thread, great information.
And I’m glad you asked, Stubert.
Yes, the blue can… it’s what I always use with oil paints.
NOT this ➔ !https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQq-N9bC-mz7OsIrDaoMwvHIZ9AnlK6Bc4WOpvH3_dPWwgVuF6ZWg&s
This great information. I’m glad that I read this post.
December 4, 2019, 4:51pm
So not even all turpenoids are the same. Thanks for that, DM. [Y]
December 4, 2019, 7:00pm
Thanks for all tbe input . what i bought was bio option pure turpentine says made from natural source tree resin . i will try mineral spirits .
Turpentine is distilled from pine tree resins. Turpenoid is a petroleum distillate, a mineral spirit.
When you’re looking at any product for use as a thinner, check the label on the container, too, to help get a better idea of the contents.
Also, I don’t use Pledge anymore except for canopies. I spray a gloss lacqure clear coat before using oils. Less chance of a reaction.