Of which model have you bought the most copies ? How many did you buy ? Did you get them all at once ? Why did you buy them ? How many of them have you built ?
The kit I have purchased most often is the Hasegawa Zero, 1/48 scale. I have gotten about 10 copies of different variants at different times. Some were on sale, some were new. I love the clean lines of a Zeke, and the kit fits so well. The level of detail is satisfying for me (although I did add a Verlinden set to a Rufe). I have 4 left to be built. I know my numbers will pale in comparison, I’m just curious about the numbers. Buy what you like, like what you build !
Without a doubt I have purchased more copies of the Monogram B-17G than any other model. I recieved my first one when I was 6 for Christmas, of course my dad had half of it built by the 26th. I have built 4 or 5 since then and have another on the shelf awaiting construction.
Hi everyone!
Great topic that I couldn’t resist. My favorite plane is the P-61 Black Widow. I’ve got about eight of them on display throughout the house with another one left to build under the hobby table. I also have the two AmTech kits on order. Lord only knows when those will be coming out but I’ve waited 32 years for those. What’s another 32? Have a great day!
Various marks of Spitfires in 1/72 scale. I have 13 Spit kits.
Revell’s 1/32 AH-1G cobra - always have had a thang for the cobra. I’ve bult that oob maybe 10 times, each with a different paint scheme - will be doing a scratch built soon on the last 2 kits that I have.
I also have 4 or 5 f4 phantoms layin around - another aircraft that I really like.[:D]
P-38J. After building several in 1/72 for people on Mcguire AFB I just began to stock them. I’ve built about 12 and have another 8 on hand both in DML and Hasegawa. I’ve also built matchbox. All the the models are in 475th fg/431st fs with “PUDGY V” nose art.
Wrong forum perhaps, but without a doubt it would be the AMT, then AMT/ERTL
starship Enterprise. They have a tendency to fall apart; every few years the structural integrity field fails.
At one point I think I had about 20 Hasegawa 109E’s in 48th. (both the old and new toolings) I’d have to say that the 109, in general, is the one aircraft which I’ve gone absolutely nuts over as regards buying kits. At the high point I had around 50-60 of 'em in 48th, from a few different manufacturers. Down to about 30 right now… [:(]
Fade to Black…
Hello to all,
here are standing 4 Fw 190 and 5 F-100.
My fav birds i couldnt resist to have mor than one kit.
greetz from hot germany Thomas
Hasegawa F-16 T-Bird in 1/48th. Made one for myself and have made 3 others for buddies.
I’m with paulnchamp: I can’t remember how many Enterprises I built, from the ancient lighted original AMT kit up to the last AMT/ERTL offering. Close to 10, probably!
Tanks Wrong forum aswell [:)]
ive got Ten Panther Ausf A and Ausf G (a mix of Tamiya and Dragon)
and 6 Tiger early mid and late (Tamiya)
5 Fujimi 1/48 Bf 109( bought for the box art[:D])
Captain Caveman - I have an Academy Tiger so that my P-47 has a target for its bombs ! (coming soon to a post near you !)
Can’t wait to see that, Pix!
I have 17 Fujimi F4k/m in 1/72nd ( I hope to do at least 1 from each sqn and RN/RAE as well)
I have built 15 Hase F4’s B,EJ,J,N,E,G,K,M and am looking forward to many more including a black box RF4B,C,E,EJ ---------but will probably never build the monogram ones!
Oh I forgot to mention the 1/32nd Tamiya F4j which will be my next build
I, myself, have built four Tamiya F4U Corsairs of various variants, and have nine more (of various manufacturers) still in the box awaiting construction. I plan on building one of every version of the F4U ever created. The only kit I can’t find is the XF4U prototype. I doubt that any manufacturer makes, or has made, that version. So, I’ll just have to scratch build that one if I want a model of it.