NX-2000 USS Excelsior

Hello This is my recent work building an all Resin Model kit of the NX Version

The first picture is what the kit looked like before it was built:


The next picture is of the saucer being detailed:


The Following Pictures is of the finished Model I am quite happy with:





The Next Picture is what I used for a Guide,and I would like to thank REL for supplying the material:



Very Nice Looking, Admiral!!![tup]


Thanks Keith I appreciate the compliment.

Wow almost 100 people have looked at this thread,that is a real compliment to my work,thanks to everybody who has looked at this threrad…

Looks great!

who makes this kit?

what scale is it?

how long is it?

yes, I agree it does look good.

This is an old OOP Lunar models all Resin kit that is 1/1000 scale and 18 inches in length. And Thanks Thunderbear and Dark Green Man for the kind words.[:D]

Beautiful job ont the build.

Thanks so much for the kind words Falcon. I would also like to thank the over 200 people that have looked at this also,wow I am amazed,Thank You.


Hey Chris,

Just to clearify what I was saying here,I was thanking the people who have just stopped in and took a look at the thread,and the work I have done.And by the way I was wanting to post on your viper thread,but I did not want you to be mad at me. I think your Viper is just Awesome Chris.

Post what ever you want… Its a free board!


I know it is a free board but with the past I just did not want to make you upset,I am truly sorry Chris for everything. You are a great Modeler and I really like your work.

Upset?? I get upset when my daughter spills red drink on the white sofa…


Me Too LOL