Novice would be an understatement!

I am very new in the world of modeling. I am building soley military models in the 1/35 scale. I currently own probably the worst airbrush on earth. I have no knowledge of airbrushes whatsoever, so if someone could give some hints, it would be nice. Now, I have a theory that I am wasting my money on another beginner airbrush so I am planning on buying a compressor and mid-grade airbrush…tell me if I’m wrong.

First of all, what do you own? You haven’t mentioned any specifics. If you haven’t mastered your beginner brush, don’t go out and get a new brush in the hopes that it will change your luck with painting. Work with what you have first, and get to know your equipment before you run out and buy the Framistat X-42 Superbrush-you may not need to do anything. I still have the basic single action brush I learned on 25+ years ago and get great service from it. I have one of the more expensive double action jobs as well, but I learned to use the other brush effectively first. Keep reading hte forum pages: you’ll find your answers here. Let us know if we can help; that’s why this forum is here. - Ed

Thanks Ed…your advice really hepled…I think I will stick with the one I have…for know. I was wondering if you new anything about what the price would be on a basic compressor, regulator, and water trap. Perhaps under $200.00…If you could fill me in it would be great. If anyone has advice to give PLEASE give it…I really am a novice.
thanks again.

I suppose it depends on where you live on what the price is going to be. This is what I layed out for my airbrush & compressor in Canadian dollars.
Paasche H Airbrush - single action - comes with 3 size tips - $120.00
Compressor from the local hardware store c/w regulator - $135.00
Moisture trap also from hardware store - $10.00
Total $265.00 Canadian so you should be able to get below the $200 mark in U.S. dollars if you shop around a bit. The larger compressor is nice for other household projects too.

Thanks Robert…thats awesome news. I was hoping that it would be that way. Well thanks again. If there is anyone else with there own advice I’d be honored to hear it.

Good luck guys,

I’ll second the Paasche H, excellent brush and easy to maintain. You might also check FSM issue March 2002, which had a nice write up on airbrushing and tips from several pros.
What I’ve also done is use old, cheap “guinea pig” models to practice on. And most important, take your time. Good luck.

Awesome…thanks StevenQ. I think after I get enough practice I might just buy that Paasche H airbrush. As always, if anyone else has advice…on anything…it’s appreciated.

Good luck guys,

Check your local Wally-World for a compressor. Even though they don’t sell them in Canadian stores, I hear that they sell Campbell-Hauser compressors in their U.S. stores.

hey bro check this place out i talked to the guy taht owns this companys son STEVE he seems to understand ALOT about airbrushs and such cause i jsut finally ordered mine from them.

Dual Action Knockoff of a Pasche HL( parts can be interechanged) and a nice Compressor ( up to 30psi) ALL FOR $130.00 That price included shipping also came with trap Regulator adn fittings.’

Hope this helps

Oh forgot to add this for AIRBRUSH CITY dont buy directly from thier site goto EBAY and use the BUY NOW Option from there you will find MUCH BETTER deals from them…

Thanks Sherman Freak and John L. That stuff really helped. I found some old model kits I never opened and never intend to build, so I’m going to return them for some cash at my local hobby shop…hopefully. If anyone else has some of their own opinions or advice, its always welcome.

Good luck guys,