Greetings and saluations to all from Brooklyn. I love to model 1/48th scale aircraft - actually I’m trying to build a history of american military aircraft in this scale.
Sometimes I’ll work on treads when I want a break.
I’ve noticed that there are some excellant and knowledgable modellers here on these boards and I want to thank you all
for sharing your knowledge and skill.
I am not sure where to post the following, so I’ll make it apart of this note:
I think I’ve might have come across an idea the other night that would benefit both the modeller and the companies that produce the kits. What if we were all to try to recycle the trees that the parts are attached to. What I mean by this is,
as you finish a kit, what if we were to send the trees back to the companies to remelt and make new kits with. I understand that
each company has a slightly different mix for thier kits but keeping the trees seperate per manufactuerer shoulld not be a problem. The thinking behind the cost savings is that the kit manufactuerers would not have to buy as much new “pellets” to melt and inject in the moulds as they do now reducing certain overhead and new stock storage. Sure some of this is offset by
having to store returned trees and then the grinding there of - but in the long I think it would have a cost saving effect that ultimately gets passed on to the modellers by reduced kit prices (not taking into account new moulds or the production there of)
Just a thought