I built a new workbench and I want to share some pictures of it later. I can just describe it as being made out of 2x4 laminated for the legs and top support. Then a solid core door. All materials bought at Lowes. The bench top dimensions are about 60" x 30" and about 30" tall.
I am satisfied with the bench, but it is missing something. It is a rather dull and boring bench with no personality. The bench so far is just simply a flat table top. No sides, No back, just a plain bench top.
I want to dress this bench up, but I have no ideas. I thought about mounting a back to it. The back can be as high as maybe 24" or so. Then maybe some shelves mounted to that back.
I wish that I could see some examples of some benches here that maybe some modelers can post pictures of their workbench so that I and others can have an opportunity to get some ideas.
If it is not too much trouble, please let me see some of your workbenches for me.
hey, don’t worry about it. My work bench is nothing more than a foldable table with a worklamp over it. Toss in some storage trays I bought at wal mart and “poof”, I have a workbench.
Perhaps someday I’ll convert a room in the house over to a full fledged work room…
Yep, I have two doors with 2x4 supports, and a drafting table…but with so much stuff on them that the take on a life of their own. What you need are more ship models !
I think what you describe is a good workbench. I would not put any back on it if you can avoid it. You can build in some shelves underneath for storage of tools or supplies, but if you put a back on it, it seems like you would have trouble using it from the other side. My workbench is built against a wall and that is the way it must be given my situation, but I wish that I had enough room for a free standing workbench that I could walk around and use from all sides. If you like you could also build in some simple drawers underneath the bench. I have some under bench shelving and some drawers and they work out really well for me.
By the by, its nice to see another Mississippian building models.
The table top is a solid core door from Lowes. It was about $55. the rest is laminated 2x4’s cut on a table saw (Ryobi 3100)
I used a stain called Danish Oil Finish “Golden Oak” from Watco. I applied two coats spaced at 2 to 3 hours each. Then after the bench sat for about 3 hours after that last coat, then I took a linen cloth and wiped the excess oils and stain from it. The way that it was, you could run your fingers across table and pick up some oils on your hand.
I am not a stain or oil finishes expert. I am sure that there are some purist out there that would cringe at my method. Hey , I have only a limited amount of time to get things done.
The border pieces are Popular that I plan to stain a dark color or might just keep it natural color. The model on the bench is my Wappen Von Hamburg.
Yep, it is surprising to see a neighbor from MS on here ! That is Great !
That’s a great looking workbench. I think you could easily have some extra shelving under the bench if you wanted it. I would make your alterations as you see the need. That way, the bench would evolve to meet your eneds rather than you trying to forsee what those needs might be.
Very cool bench Donnie. I’m envious. Leave the poplar natural. It looks good that way. Why not add some trays to the left and right, underneath the table, outside of the legs. Lowes carrys wire baskets that would easily bolt to the leg and to the underside of the table. Personally, I would leave the underside open.
Just for comparison, my workbench is a 4’ x 2.5’ folding table from wally world, with nothing more than a flex-lamp on top, and a couple of plastic storage drawer units around it (also from wally world). I hope to one day convert a room in the house to a complete work-room, complete with paint booth, but time, money, and the wife are hurdles to overcome to realize that dream.
You’ll see my work area when I get the Royal-build pics up in a few days.