Hello everyone, longtime modeller here, new to the forum. I enjoy building model cars—muscle cars, Corvettes, NHRA cars and NASCAR. Im in Hattiesburg, MS… anyone here nearby? I look forward to learning even more and checking out others builds.
Another Auto fancier. Welcome aboard
Hi Larry! Welcome to the Forums. Glad to have you with us.
Jim [cptn]
Stay Safe.
Welcome to the forum, Larry! I look forward to seeing your builds. I always admire the finishes you get on a curbside model.
Best regards,
Welcome to the Forums!
Thank you all for the warm welcome and the compliments!
Welcome aboard Larry!! Great to have you on board and can’t wait to see your work. Yes!!! Another auto modeler joins the ranks!!!
Welcome. I have a 59 chevy more than 1/2 way done still waiting! I was a subscriber to SA mosty factory stock some muscle builds I like to see some of your builds.
Welcome! Happy to have another car guy on board. I build cars 1/2 the time, airplanes the other 1/2.