A relative newcomer to the modeling world and I am always looking for helpful tips. Any help is always welcome. Nice to be welcome to the community.
Welcome to FSM mohrbm. You have found a very useful and helpful community to join. I’m sure you’re going to enjoy the forums here.
Morhbm, you’ve come to the right place.
Lot’s of experts here to learn from (excluding me, of course.) I should know. I’ve learned a lot from these guys, too.
Welcome my friend…to the show that never ends!
This is the place for helpful tips…and pics of great builds…and comraderie…and, well, you get the idea.
Glad you’re here
Hi ya mohrbm …
Welcome to FSM Community Modeling Forum(s) … the greatest place on the 'net for scale modelers … we are 20,000 + strong and growing. [^]
Spend some time here and there in the forums and you will quickly find that we are a very friendly and very diverse group of scale modelers … from all over this planet and perhaps one or two other planets nearby … [8D]
Again, welcome and have fun !!! [;)]