New kid on the block

Hi all,

I’m ecstatic to be joining the community at FSM. I’m a younger generation modeler (25) hailing from the east coast of the US (Maryland). I just picked the hobby back up in June since I was a young kid. I’ve been obsessed with scale armor lately and currently have Tamiya’s 1/35 M1A2 Abrams on the bench. Can’t wait to speak to other members and learn as much as possible.

PS: I am brand new to forums in general and am a little overwhelmed with how it all works. So if you stumble across me in another forum struggling to post pics or content don’t mind me & any help would be appreciated!


EDIT: here is a link so some of my most recent works.

Welcome and enjoy

Welcome!!!. There is a wealth of knowledge here so ask away.

Welcome to the Forums! Glad to have you aboard.

Jim [cptn]

Welcome GF, it’s great to see the younger gen coming onboard. Don’t be afraid to ask anything. Everybody is eager to help.


Welcome to the forums! [snWcm] [B]

Welcome to the Forums!

Welcome to the forums, GFS! East coast of Maryland-on Delmarva? If you ever get the opportunity, you should come up to Philly and visit the Delaware Valley Scale Modelers. We meet on the first Friday of every month (tonight, for example). Our website is, for more info about the club, but we also maintain a Facebook as an ersatz forum. You might find it interesting to follow and participate.

I look forward to seeing your builds!

Best regards,


I’m in the Baltimore area but I’ll be sure to check it out! Thanks!


Hey don’t worry. Got a question? The members of the forums will gladly respond. I know if you ask a ship question I will, or any question where I can help. Welcome Aboard!!T.B.

Welcome and love the name!