I thought this style turret didn’t hit the battlefield until 1943, but must have come out in late 42? Anyone know for sure. Anyways, I’ve been looking forward to this T-34 release.
According to my references, that style of T-34 first entered production in the fall of 1942 and made it into battle in time to see action around Stalingrad.
Yeah Eric, I just saw this one too last night on the Dragon website! Finally they’ve got a hex turret (1943 model to be more politically correct!) to go along with all their earlier versions of the T-34! I wish this one had come out in time for our Kursk GB last year!! I’ll 2nd what Abarne said, the 43 models started coming out in late 42.
somebody made a resin kit of that turret awhile back, and I’ve got one somewhere in my stash. There’s also a 1/48th Hobby Boss kit that’s kinda nice as well.
Yes, it’s my favorite version of the family. I held off on the 1941 version, thinking that a 42-43 would eventually be released with a waffle pattern track. I’m pretty excited about this one. I built the old Tamiya kit many moons ago, and aside from the tracks and motorization compromises, it was a respectable kit.
Ps1scw- I can think of at least 4-5 versions of the Mickey Mouse turret: Laminate, Hard-edge, Soft-edge, chTZ (specific factory modification) and another that I can’t recall.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the raised cupola is included on the sprues of this one. Dragon often includes extra parts used for different versions of a vehicle.