New Dragon hexagonal turret T-34 1942 Smart Kit

I thought this style turret didn’t hit the battlefield until 1943, but must have come out in late 42? Anyone know for sure. Anyways, I’ve been looking forward to this T-34 release.

According to my references, that style of T-34 first entered production in the fall of 1942 and made it into battle in time to see action around Stalingrad.


Yeah Eric, I just saw this one too last night on the Dragon website! Finally they’ve got a hex turret (1943 model to be more politically correct!) to go along with all their earlier versions of the T-34! I wish this one had come out in time for our Kursk GB last year!! I’ll 2nd what Abarne said, the 43 models started coming out in late 42.

I guess there is also a hard-edge, laminate and chTZ turrets as well, so expect more variations.

Eric, you going to be picking up one of these? I’ve been waiting for this turret style from DML for some time now.

This is Mickey Mouse turret?

How many versions of the T34 were there?

somebody made a resin kit of that turret awhile back, and I’ve got one somewhere in my stash. There’s also a 1/48th Hobby Boss kit that’s kinda nice as well.


Yes, it’s my favorite version of the family. I held off on the 1941 version, thinking that a 42-43 would eventually be released with a waffle pattern track. I’m pretty excited about this one. I built the old Tamiya kit many moons ago, and aside from the tracks and motorization compromises, it was a respectable kit.

Ps1scw- I can think of at least 4-5 versions of the Mickey Mouse turret: Laminate, Hard-edge, Soft-edge, chTZ (specific factory modification) and another that I can’t recall.

Dont forget later hexagonal production turrets had a split hatch cupola added.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the raised cupola is included on the sprues of this one. Dragon often includes extra parts used for different versions of a vehicle.
