Hey all,
I picked Academy’s M10 GMC for my next project, but I don’t like the vynil tracks supplied with the kit. They represent a 3 cleet type typically used on French M10’s. I would like to build mine with either T-51 (rubber block) or T-48 (rubber chevron) tracks, which were more common to US vehicles. Fruilmodel, Model Kasten, and AFV all make appropriate workable tracks. I’ve built many vinyl tracks and many indie tracks, but no workable sets yet. So I turn to the experts (you guys). I know Fruil’s are metal that you pin together with wire, but pretty expensive. I don’t know much about Model Kasten or AFV. How do they go together? Are they accurate, Do they look good? If you were building an M-10 and wanted to replace the tracks, which set would you buy?
Semper Fi,