NASCAR chassis colors

Anyone use a near correct color? I’m finding it hard to get detail shots of certain areas for a kit I’m doing…best I can tell is that it is a glossy light gray that the bars, interior, and chassis seem to be painted.

mopauly -

Most teams run a gloss gray for their interiors. The most notable exceptions are:

  • Dale Sr. used red for most of his interiors
  • Tony Stewart usually runs a cream color
  • Yates ran primarily red interiors before UPS came aboard

The most accepted color matches for modelers seems to be Model Master Gloss Gull Gray, Testors’ Racing Colors Chassis Gray (passable), or Krylon Pewter Gray. If you are planning on using the Krylon, remember to use a GOOD primer to keep the plastic from crazing. Also, here are a few sites you can search for reference photos:



I believe NASCAR has mandated all interiors be grey. Not sure of the year it was changed, but Dale Senior had a gray interior when he won the Daytona 500, I think he just went for the change of pace/luck thing though and it worked.
