I could’nt let this one get by me…wow, what a great looking bird! It was connected with the ‘Manchoukuo Air Corps’ whatever that is. I had fun building this one. Everything OOB except for decal seatbelt and I used the water and salt method to get the blown off paint look…thanks Swanny, it worked very well. 1/48 from Hasegawa.
Pretty cool! Not every day that you see something different. Looks like your salt chipping turned out well. My first attempt at it was a bust[:(]
Looks like the process worked very well for you – glad I could be of help.
Very nice build Tommy. Thanks for sharing.
Regards, Rick
Great looking bird indeed. Beautifull work.
Tommy - vey nice job indeed. One to be proud of for sure.
If I remember right this aircraft flew in Manchuria during the Japanese invasion of China. I have this kit and have been looking for decals for Suburo Sakai. Any idea where I can find some?
Nicely done. You did a find job on the weathering.
ikar01 is correct - the Japanese had set up a puppet government in Manchuria which had its own Army and Air Corps - albeit equipped, maintained and manned by Japanese personnel.
great job
Great looking build.
The weathering is spot on, especially the paint chipping.
Very nice model - my congratulations !
Cool…Thats a a real head turner, nice work! Darren.
Very , very good finish!!!
Love it!!!
That turned out incredible.,…fantastic finish and wash. Plus, that is a neat, oft overlooked subject. It makes me want to buy the kit.
ikar01…I haven’t found anything on those decals yet but if I do I’ll be sure to let you know. Thanks to everyone for all the compliments. [4:-)]
I like the looks of her
Outstanding job[tup]
Great looking build there Tug.
As a fan of Japanese aircraft i have seen this kit but wondered if it was an interesting enough plane to consider building…well you convinced me…looks like it will be on my next wish list.
I bullt the exact same kit last year just for the Manchukuo markings - certainly different looking. Your finish came out looking great.