Has anybody out there had any experience ordering from North American Hobbies? or about Paragon conversions being back in business? I’ve ordered some paragon stuff from here and it’s past due, I don’t know if it’s something up with the mail service or whatnot, I just don’t know enough either way. Anybody have any insight?
Paragon Designs IS back up & running [^] you can contact Neil direct: paragondesigns@hotmail.co.uk
I’ve recently ordered from him direct & I recommend his stuff [:D] Tell him I sent ya [tup]
I bought from NA Hobbies a while back. They are a small company and don’t stock everything like Squadron does, but their service was very good.
Thanks, at this point I’m just assuming the mail has screwed up and is taking for freakin’ ever.
I hear ya & when I ordere from Neil directly it took a week to reach me here in Calif.
yeh, it’s a month in a couple days. I’m in calgary but I don’t think it should take that long for airmail.
NAHobbies probably got their homing pigeons waylayed by KFC[:(] Hopefully you’ll get your order soon. Ya may want to contact them & ask where it is…
Ok, I just got these things in the mail, turns out I never got the notice that they were here so it’s freakin’ Canada Post fault, nothing to do with NAHobbies, sorry to have doubted them, I E-mailed him the other day after fouty days of waiting and he was prepared to fire another set in the mail, now I have to find out if he did, I’ll just say again, NAhobbies = Good, Canada Post = Bad.
NAHobbies is top notch! Steve is one of the best vendors I’ve dealt with.
Glad to hear it finally arrived!! and to learn it wasn’t NAHobbies[:)] Now I thought the US Mail was off the hook on deliveries[B)]