NAA P-51 D "Passion Wagon"

So here´s the next one: Arval Roberson´s early 357th Fightergroup P-51 D, summer 44. Nice Nose Art…

Great job!

Jerry, Excellent job my freind! The P-51 was my favorite fighter of World War 2 and very soon I’m going to be starting on my Trump Stang kit. Great job and keep up the good work.


Really great work…

Nice one Jerry. That’s always been one of my favorite Stangs since I saw a restored bird at an airshow as a kid.

I just realized that I haven’t answered that last email you sent me. In answer to your question about Jeff Ethell; I am a HUGE fan of this late, great man and I collect anything that carries his name if I can get my hands on it. He was a great guy from what I know and a remarkable historian and enthusiast. Not to mention a helluva pilot. But even the best make mistakes…

Fade to Black…

Very sharp, Jerry. You might want to submit these pics to the 357th FG website. They have an extensive file of models of 357th a/c that were sent by the builders. - Ed

Nice job w/ Roberson’s a/c…!!! I had built his ship a few years ago using the Hasegagme decals YUCK[xx(].
Since I have a better set of decals I think Super Scale, anywho I will built it a for a second time in the near future.
I am also partial to Capt Weavers a/c aswell[:D]
Flaps up,MIke

Hey Butz,

Ditch the Stupidscale nose art and get someone to custom paint a decal for 'ya! [;)]

Fade to Black…

Hey Blackwolf,
Do I see a volunteer…[:p]
Flaps up,Mike


You know me all too well, my friend! Let$ talk! LOL [:p]

Fade to Black…

Hey Blackwolf,
U’r on dude…!!! [:p]
Flaps up, Mike