My first year slapping these birds together. Newest first.
1/72 Hasegawa F-4J - Jolly Rogers (undergoing final production for delivery to my father to sit next to the 1/72 Super Hornet)
1/48 AM P-51A
1/48 AM SBD-2
1/48 Tamiya Razorback
1/72 Hasegawa Super Hornet (minus front cockpit glass which has since been glued on)
1/48 AM Avenger
1/72 Revell/Germany VIIC U-boat (my first build and probably my most enjoyable although the p-47 comes close)
And the next 3 to start the new year with…Another Razorback because I enjoyed the first one so much, a bare metal p-47 bubbletop which will probably go to my father, and a 1/48 super hornet for me.
Well done, Ted! I wish my current work looked as good as your first year builds! I’ll be starting the AM Avenger after the holidays, you have given me something to shoot for! Happy Holidays!
Great work you have there! Gotta love any collection with those fine Navy subjects.[;)][:D] Great job and looking forward to seeing your work in the New Year!